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The Rosicrucian "movement" started more or less after John Dee's tour of
Europe. He earnestly sought for a method to connect to the angels, and
seemed to find such a language through his collaboration with Edward Kelley,
a highly gifted medium.

On the one hand, Kelley was a rather notorious fraudster, and this would
raise doubts as to the authenticity of the information provided while on a
trance. John Dee, perhaps too much possessed by his logical thought, could
not manage to let go enough to achieve communication with otherworldly
entities. On the other hand, it is quite remarkable how a human mind can
make up a whole language during a trance, and we now know of other cases
where such remarkable feats have been shown.

Perhaps we will never know whether Kelley was accurate or not, but John
Dee's ideals included a unification of the Christian world, which I would hardly
qualify as satanic, to use a hackneyed adjective thrown at him by some
extreme religious factions. Needless to say, Dee's firm beliefs cost him

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