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Many viruses and hackers can manipulate one's computer and also their privacy.

heir are Principles that can block and prevent hackers and viruses from entering
your personal files and messages. The first principle is the 'Protect the infor
mation INTEGRITY', when your message it being uttered or hacked you can prevent
it by using an email client such as thunderbird instead of using the ordinary me
ssengers because the user can digitaly sign his messages so that the receiver wo
uld know that the message hasn't been touched by anyone. the second principle is
the 'Guarantee data CONFIDENTIALITY', when an unauthorized person can see your
personal files it can be solved by encrypting your files using a software TrueCr
ypt. This software will encrypt your data. The third one is the 'Assure resource
s AVAILABILITY', when your resources is unavailable and many will be interrupted
by it the solution in this problem is adding another hard disk called Raid 1. T
his disk will duplicate all of the files and the resources that is on the first
hard disk so that there would be no interruption and it can be used as a back-up
for convinience. The last is the'Establish NON-REPUDIATION mechanism', a proble
m that all of us can relate because the problem here is the evidence that you ne
ed can be validated by using a program whatsapp. This application can give you v
alidation of what the second person said or what is being talked about between y
ou and the other person.

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