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Forensic DNA

Forensic Chemistry Division/DNA Laboratory

National Bureau of Investigation

DNA-Deoxyribonucleic Acid
-is a chemical substance found in all cells of living organism whose composition
have been passed on from parents to offspring. It is called as genetic or hereditary
material. A persons DNA is the same in every cell.
1. Blood
2. Semen
3. Saliva
4. Urine
5. Hair
6. Teeth
7. Bone
8. Tissue
Line up of cases where DNA Analysis can be of Help:
1. Sexual assault cases like rape
2. Murder
3. Homicide
4. Robbery
5. Hit and run
6. Extortion
7. Paternity cases
8. Identification of remains in mass disaster
9. Fight against human trafficking especially for kids
10. Prevention of illegal adoption of kidnapping
11. Stolen or trafficked children

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