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A. Choose the correct answer!
1. Siska . washing her clothes right now.
a. Were
b. Are
c. Is
d. Have
e. Have been
2. A beautiful girl always . rice in the kitchen.
a. Sweeps
b. Fry
c. Eat
d. Cooks
e. Cooking
3. Joko and Awi . cleaned the pool last night.
a. Have
b. Has
c. Had
d. Had been
e. Are
4. We shall .. him at the harbor tomorrow.
a. Meet
b. Meets
c. Call
d. Called
e. Have called
5. My uncle .. when I visited him.
a. Was sleeping
b. Were sleeping
c. Was sleep
d. Sleeping

e. Sleep
6. You .. rice when I called you last night.
a. Have eaten
b. Has eaten
c. Had been eaten
d. Had eaten
e. Had been eating
7. The boys .. television every night.
a. Doesnt watch
b. Dont watch
c. Doesnt watching
d. Dont watching
e. Doesnt watches
8. Sinta the floor when her boyfriend came
a. Sweeps
b. Sweep
c. Were sweeping
d. Was sweeping
e. Was sweep
9. The thief much money at Bank last night.
a. Stole
b. Steal
c. Is stealing
d. Are stealing
e. Was stealing
10. He will . at 9 oclock am tomorrow.
a. Be taught
b. Is teaching
c. Has taught
d. Be teaching
e. Taught
11. Pam doesnt .. any pencil on his desk.
a. Have

b. Has
c. Had
d. Having
e. Is having
12. It is raining, .?
a. Is it
b. Doesnt it
c. Is not it
d. Isnt it
e. Does it
13. She will be a teacher, ?
a. Will not she
b. Wont she
c. Will she
d. Want she
e. Shall she
14. You cant call him today, ..?
a. Can you
b. Can not you
c. Cant you
d. You can
e. Could you
15. A chair has been bought by Tiwi, ...?
a. Isnt it
b. Hasnt it
c. Havent it
d. Has not it
e. Have not it
B. Essay
1. Translate to English!
a. Kami membawa buku kami untuk diri kami sendiri, karena ini
milik kami.
b. Jangan membeli anjing yng kuat dan berwarna coklat!
c. Razie akan bisa bertemu saya besok pagi.

d. Jika Riza bertemu Lia, Razie akan marah.

2. Move to passive voice!
a. Shanaya was inviting Jayendra at 8 oclock last night.
b. Rajendra will have been driving the beautiful blue car.
3. Make the question word!
a. They were expecting a valuable parcel at 10 oclock yesterday.
b. Two beautiful girl is visiting me right now.
4. Correct your answer using Degree Comparasion!
a. Prophet Muhammad SAW is . human being
b. Bill works .. than Joe Sanders (hard).
Good Luck :D

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