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Lost property

Personal possessions:plurals;this,that,these,those.
Pronombres demostrativos
Utilizamos este (singular) y stos (plural) para referirse a algo que est aqu /
This is my car. (singular)
These are our children. (plural)
Utilizamos que (singular) y los (plural) para referirse a algo que est all / lejos .
That is our house. (singular)
Those are my shoes. (plural)
Tenga en cuenta que los cambios verbales (es decir, singular / plural) en
funcin del pronombre que utilice.
Tambin puede utilizar pronombres demostrativos por s mismos:
Did you do that?
I'd like to buy these?
Which of those would you like?
Adjetivos demostrativos
Tambin puede utilizar los demostrativos antes de un sustantivo. Estos se
llaman adjetivos demostrativos.
El adjetivo demostrativo necesita estar de acuerdo (= ser la misma forma)
como el sustantivo.
Ejemplos de adjetivos demostrativos:
This party is boring. (singular)
That city is busy. (singular)
These chocolates are delicious. (plural)
Those flowers are beautiful. (plural)


At the shops
Real world:shop language and ones;things to buy
vocabulary:clothes ;plural of nouns.
The preposition at is also frequently used in place
phrases. One use is for exact addresses (addresses
with a house or building number). Another use is for
general locations--places (such as a school, office
building, hotel) that are collections of more specific
locations (particular rooms, offices, etc.)[2]
Her favorite flower shop is at 1423 Main Street.
He lives at 2447 85th Avenue, doesn't he?
Our office is located at the southwest corner of
23rd Street and Metropolitan Boulevard.
She's studying at Oregon State University.
The conference will be at the Hyatt Hotel.
Joey isn't here. He's at the mall playing video games.
No -- "I like to go shopping to a department store."
Yes -- "I like to go shopping at a department store."
Also yes -- "I like to go shopping in a department store." In American usage,
one would use either "at" or "in." The difference in meaning is subtle, but has
nothing to do with the reason we go shopping there. "At" expresses the
location where we shop (especially relative to a present location). "In" is
equivalent to saying "inside."[3]
Useful Phrases (Frases tiles)

Is there anything I can help you with? (Hay algo en lo que pueda
Im just looking, thanks. (Slo estoy mirando, gracias.)
Can you please help me? (Puede ayudarme?)
Im looking for (Estoy buscando)
How much is it? (Cunto cuesta?)
Ill take it. (Me lo quedo.)
What is it made of? (De qu material es?)
How late are you open? (Hasta cundo est abierto?)
What time do you close? (A qu hora cierra?)
May I try it on, please? (Puedo probarmelo por favor?)
Where are the fitting rooms? (Dnde estn los probadores?)
What size is it? (Qu talla es?)
Its too big/small. (Es demasiado grande/pequeo.)
Do you have a smaller/larger size? (Tiene una talla ms
Do you accept credit cards? (Acepta tarjetas de crdito?)
Can I have a bag? (Tiene una bolsa?)
Can you please gift wrap it? (Podra envolverlo en papel de regalo por
The receipt, please. (El recibo por favor.)
Can you ship it? (Puede enviarlo?)
Thats all, thanks. (Eso es todo, gracias.).

Jorge cun, This That These Those - Demonstrative Pronouns
Demonstrative Adjectives. [Online]. Available:
grammar, "I like to go shopping at a department store." |
Grammarly. [Online]. Available:
prepo, Prepositions: Using "AT" for Places, by Dennis Oliver Free English Grammar Lessons. [Online]. Available:
grammar, "I like to go shopping at a department store." |
Grammarly. [Online]. Available:
prepo, Prepositions: Using "AT" for Places, by Dennis Oliver Free English Grammar Lessons. [Online]. Available:

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