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What are you doing here?

I recognized the voice and cringed as I turned around to

see Melanie Scott standing there with her arms crossed, a smirk on her face and
surrounded by the flunkies who traveled with her everywhere she went.

Same thing as you Melanie, just trying to get a spot on Americas Next Big Star, I
said and turned to my friend Zoe who had come to stand in line with me for moral

Just ignore her, Adden, Zoe said. She doesnt feel good about herself unless shes
harassing someone else.

I knew she was right and most days I was able to just ignore Melanie, but today was
different. Today was the day that could change my whole life. Not only could I get to
go to Hollywood when Ive never even left Boston, but I had a chance to win half a
million dollars. I knew it was a long shot, but why else had I been practicing for so
many hours a day for so many years? I just had to make it!

Zoe squeezed my hand and we got up as the line started to move. We had been
camped outside since 3 a.m., along with what looked like thousands of other kids
hoping to change their lives too. Some of them were super-serious and zoned out the
rest of us as they rehearsed their songs or dance moves. Other kids were dressed in
crazy outfits and practicing their juggling or comedy routines in front of anyone who
would pay attention. They would be the ones we laughed at when they showed the
auditions across the country on TV of the kids who clearly had no talent.

Why is this taking so long? I whined and stared at the number I was given, 153.
Waiting for 152 people to go ahead of me was torture, but then I looked at the
hundreds of people behind me and decided that it wasnt so bad.

Maybe Colin Cooper is torturing the contestants more than usual to get some good TV
out of it, Zoe said. Colin Cooper was the judge who didnt hold any punches. He told
it like it was and didnt care whose feelings he hurt. I just thought he was mean and
was hoping he would spare me the pain of humiliation on national TV.

Thats not helping, Zoe, I said taking a few steps forward as the line started to move
again. The reality was that the auditions were moving pretty quickly and it just

seemed like it was taking forever. When I heard them call number 128, I started to feel

Zoe, what if I bomb? I said. What if I get in there and forget all the words to my
song or my fingers hit all the wrong notes on the piano?

Adden, youre going to be fine, she said. Youre the most talented person I know,
and youre going to kill it. Stop worrying.

Getting nervous, loser? Melanie whispered in my ear. I was so nervous I didnt even
see her walk up and stand right next to me.

Shes fine, Zoe said and stood toe to toe with Melanie before she just huffed and
walked away. Shes just threatened by you, you know, Zoe said. You two have been
competing for the same spots for years.

I know, and shes always beat me. Why would she be threatened by that? I asked.

Because she knows the time is coming when youre going to beat her, and that time,
my friend, is today.

Number 151, the production assistant yelled, and a short girl with long hair and
glasses walked toward the doors of the audition room with her guitar slung over her

My heart was beating out of my chest and all I could hear was Melanies voice in my
head asking what I was doing here. I started questioning myself. What was I doing
here? Who did I think I was? Did I really think I was good enough to be here?

Number 152, I heard, sounding far off even though I was next in line.

Youre next, Zoe said.

I cant do this, I said, and I felt hot tears forming in the corners of my eyes.

Yes you can, she said and grabbed me by the shoulders and looked me dead in my
eyes. You were born to do this! You will go in there, you will be amazing, and Ill be
waiting right here for you to come back with the good news.

Number 153! This time I heard it loud and clear and I felt like I was walking in
quicksand as I headed for the door, but not before I threw up right there in front of
everyone. The bright orange cheese curls, the Snickers, and the jellybeans that Zoe
had brought for us to eat while we waited.

Number 153! I heard again.

Zoe screamed, Right here!

So are you coming or what? the production assistant asked impatiently.

I looked down at the mess I made, wiped my mouth and headed toward the door.

It seemed that my feet were going soft, the steps were becoming heavier. I
seemed to never get in front of that door, like I was in a maze without end.
Suddenly, my body was left covered with creeps.
And here, the infinite silence was interrupted by several voices:
"More curage !"
"Don't worry! You will succeed...", but I ignored them, it seemed too much
information at the moment.
I finally reached the door. One more step, just one step separates me from the
great scene that always was my dream. I took my temper and I stepped the
doorstep. I said: "I am talented and I came here to win. I was prepared for this
moment, I worked hard, and in front is the success, that waits for me."

Some people were watching me suspiciously. However, I smiled and I cried:

"Hello everyone!" and suddenly, the tension in the hall disappeared. The
audience started to applaud, encouraging me. I passed with a look from the left
to the right, then from the right to the left, I closed my eyes and the music
started. I breathed deeply and started singing. I didn't see anyone. I felt free, as if
everything was mine.
Applause and shouts resound in the hall. I started to cry. I felt happy. I jumped
up and I began to applaud together with the jury noisily.
In that moment I realized that my dream was fulfilled. I felt like a star, thanks to
this project. Therefore, I do not regret for even just a second that I am number

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