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Clarence Murray Jr

EDSE 547

Title: Frontloading the Unit Plan Essay

Subject: English I CP
2.1 Analyze ideas and information from text and multimedia by formulating questions, proposing
interpretations and explanations, and considering alternative views and multiple perspectives.
3.2 Examine historical, social, cultural, or political context to broaden inquiry and create
4.2 Evaluate findings; address conflicting information; identify misconceptions; and revise.
Purpose: The purpose of this lesson is to frontload a few possible essay topics with students as
they begin preliminary brainstorming and drafting of their culminating unit plan essay. In
addition to that, we will be reviewing key concepts for essay writing.

The teacher will begin class by explaining that they will begin work on their final essay

for this unit.

Some students may be more familiar with the typical concepts of essay writing than
others, so the teacher will give a handout explaining how to write a traditional essay (this

is English I CP, best to keep it simple) and explain it to the students (15 minutes)
After that refresher is done, students will be asked to begin brainstorming on one of the
two prompts provided to them via a second handout. The concepts they were just
refreshed on will be instrumental to this phase of essay planning.

Clarence Murray Jr
EDSE 547

The rest of the class will be somewhat fluid. Students, especially CP students, should be
given ample time in class to work on heavier assignments such as an essay, and the
teacher should be circulating to ensure that students know what theyre doing and are on

By the end of the class, students should have their central thesis constructed, along with
the rest of the introduction to their paper. The paper itself will be due the following week,
and the length will be 3-4 pages long.

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