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Ffurflen 21 TYSTYSGRIF PERCHENOGAETH Tw defnyddio gyda Cheisiaday Cyntfunio Ne bo'r ymgeisyd yn berchennog ‘Mac angen un copi o'r Dysessgrif Gorchymyn (Trefnisdacth Datblygu CyFfredino!) Cynllunio Gwlad a Thret 1998 Exthygl 7 Form 21 CERTIFICATE OF OWNERSHIP For use with Planning Applicat where the applicant is the ower One copy of the Cerificate és requiredt Town and Country Planning (General Development Procedure) Order 1995 “Article 7 TYSTYSGRIF A Gweler Nodin (a) TYSTIAF: ‘Ar y diwrnod 21 diwmnod yn dydiad y caisyr apél amgaeedie * nad oedd ncb ac cithrio'r ymgeisydd/apelydd * yn berchen (b) far unehyw ran of tir y mae'r cais hwn yn ymwnéud ag ef, Cau fooet. [n [egmmem a) ‘See Note (a) 1 CERTIFY THAT: On the day 2Ladays before the dae of the accompanying appication/app&a nobody except the applicansppetfn® was the owner (b) of any part of the land to which the application relates TYSTYSGRIF DALIADAU AMAETHYDDOL if Rhaid i ba un bynnag sy'n briodol o blith y dewisiadan isod ffurfio thon Dyingnfa Or alr ymaey’ yaa dant tmoaindd rh do new Wd deny dis ena Sauna unhennasol ar gferymybode y jn dn | Sarat dows \e | [Reema ar atl yma arse Netiniat iad crectpada ae ya tas she Neu Fy mod i/Fod yr ymgeisydd/Fed yr apelyld * ex sho’ ehybudd ngenrheiiol bawb ac eithrio tat fy hunfdao' hunfas hun SD oedd, ary diwrnod 21 divrnod ym dyad y caislyr apel * yn denant dliad amacthyddol ar yr holl dir new ar ran o' it Y mae'r ealslpél * yn ymwneud ag ef, fel a ganlyn Enw'r Tenant ‘Tenant's Name Liofnodyd Acran* Dyddiad * Dileer lle nad yw'n briodol Furflen 21 Tadalen 1 ijn None ofa Wha wich ie aptctontepat” Rls i, CCyfeiriad Ne eyfwynwyd y rhybudd ‘Address at which notice was served Mee ROE]. AGRICULTURAL HOLDINGS CERTIFICATE Whichever is appropriate of the following alternatives muse form part of Cerificate A Ifthe applicant isthe sole agricultural tenant (0) he or she must delete the first alternative and insert “not, “applicable” as the information required by the second alternative, is part of, an agricoltirai holding oR, have/The applicant has!The appellant bas given the requisite notice to every person other than my/himy/her® self who, on the day 21 cays before the date ofthe application/appeal®, was tenant fof an agricultural holding on all or part ofthe land to which the application/appeal” relates, as follows Dyddiad cyftwyno'r rhybudd Date on which notice was served (On behalf oft Date | \ * Delete where inappropriate | Form 21 Page 1 | NODIADAU NOTES (2) Mae'r dystysprihon iw defnyddio gyda chesiadau ac apeiadau ar gyfer caniatid cynllunio (erthyglas DA a 12C () y Gorchymyn). Rhaid Hlenwi un o bith Tystysgrfau A B C net 1D (neu'r Dystysprif briodol ar gyfer ceisiadau’n ymwneud & mwynau_ arbennig) ynghyd i'r Dystysgrif Dalladau ‘Amaethyddol (©) ystyr “perchennog” ydirhydd-ddeiliad neu brydlesydd aydag, © Ieiaf saith mlynedd yo weddill ary les, neu, ym achos datblypind sy'n golygu cloddio a gweithio mvrynau, person sydd {’r haw i gael budd o fiwyn yn y tr (ac eithrio ole, avy, glo, Aur neu arian) ystyr “Wenant* yi tenant datiad amaethyldol y mae unchyw Fan ohono'n eae! ei gynnwys yn y (©) Defnydiwch Ffurflen 25 {oi hybodd i berchennog new denant amacthyddol. oy © © ‘This cenificate is for use with applications and appeals for planning permission. (atisles 12A and 12C(\) of the Onder). ‘One of Certificates A, B, Cor D (or the appropriate Certificate i the case of certain minerals applications) must be completed, together with the Agricultural Holdings Certificate. “owner” means a person having a freehold interest or a Jeaschold interest, the unexpired term of which is not less than 7 years o, inthe case of development consisting ofthe winning and working of minerals, a persoa entiled to an interes in a ‘mineral in the and (other than oil, gas, coal, gold or silver). “tenant” means a tenant of an agricultural holding any part of which is comprised in the land. Use Form 25 give notice tan owner or agricultural tenant, Furflen 21 Tudalen 2 orm 21 Page 2

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