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###Central commands##

setPlanDesignMode -congAware true

1. Connectivity browser in the design browser - To see connection between source
module and destination module - (Encounter_system_menu Pg 1222)
2. Schematic browser - Equivalent of Graphic browser of CB
3. Automatic Floorplanner Options
-planDesign and setPlanDesignMode Menu - EDI System Menu Ref(354)
Specify Floorplan - EDI System Menu Ref(339)
Automatic Floorplan - EDI System Menu Ref(351)
Analyze Floorplan - EDI System Menu Ref(365)
MultiplanDesign-EDI System Menu Ref(351)
5. FP Toolbox
6. Resize Floorplanner , Relative Floorplanner - Pg 387
7. Edit FP to shift, align, space and rotate
7. Snap FP to legalize all macros to grid
8. Can generate instance groups and play around with them : This is equivalent t
o movebounds- Pg 447
9. Blockage settings and types : Rectilinear blockages -Soft, hard : There are
checkerboard blockages as well
10. Modify display properties to show all display when cursor moveed over an obj
11. Halos - Placement and routing halos
12. If you want to highlight nets connected to pins, select from prefrences-sele
ction-highlight net connected to pin
1. setPlanDesignMode & planDesign (Use Commands line or GUI)
2. AnalyzeFloorplan
Check wirelength, congestion and timing info
3. refineMacro
4. loadFPlan / saveFPlan
5. restorePlace/savePlace
6. defIn/defOut
7. selectInst
8. checkFPlan
9. To select all instances
Use Shift + F window
10. Ctrl + M - To shift to line selection mode
11. Sticky mode - Add objects to selection with just selecting a cell with a lef
t click
12. checkPinAssignment
13. reportCongestArea
14. reportCongestion
15. selectObject
16. place_connected -attractor <macro list> {-level integer | sequential all_con
nected | direct_connected} -placed ,,,
Places the specified standard cells close to specified attractor in a legal loca
18. adjustFPlanChannel
Preventing congestion between channels (Pg 276 Soce)
19. refineMacro - 1075 ( Soce)
refineMacro -permutePack

#Creating Placement blockage

1) createPlaceBlockage -box 354.147 159.951 373.624 140.098 -name CDNS_BLK1
2) dbSelectObj [dbGet CDNS_BLK1 -p]
3) redraw
4) setSelectedDensityArea 354.147 159.951 373.624 140.098 100 CDNS_BLK1 Soft Und
efined {}
5) unspecifySelectiveBlkgGate -cell *

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