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Security Council Press Statement on Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea Ballistic Missile Launches

The members of the Security Council strongly condemned the ballistic missile launches conducted by the Democratic
Peoples Republic of Korea on 5 September 2016. These launches are in grave violation of the Democratic Peoples
Republic of Koreas international obligations under United Nations Security Council resolutions 1718 (2006), 1874
(2009), 2087 (2013), 2094 (2013) and 2270 (2016).
The members of the Security Council deplore all Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea ballistic missile activities,
including these launches, noting that such activities contribute to the Democratic Peoples Republic of Koreas
development of nuclear weapons delivery systems and increase tension.
The members of the Security Council further regretted that the Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea is diverting
resources to the pursuit of ballistic missiles while Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea citizens have great unmet
The members of the Security Council expressed serious concern that the Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea
conducted these ballistic missile launches after the 15 April, 23 April, 27 April, 28 April, 31 May, 21 June, 9 July, 18
July, 2 August and 23 August launches, in flagrant disregard of the repeated statements of the Security Council.
The members of the Security Council reiterated that the Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea shall refrain from
further actions, including nuclear tests, in violation of the relevant Security Council resolutions and comply fully with
its obligations under these resolutions.
The members of the Security Council called upon all Member States to redouble their efforts to implement fully the
measures imposed on the Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea by the Security Council, particularly the
comprehensive measures contained in resolution 2270 (2016).
The members of the Security Council directed the Committee established pursuant to resolution 1718 (2006) to
intensify its work to strengthen enforcement of resolution 2270 (2016) and assist Member States to comply with their
obligations under that resolution and other relevant resolutions.
The members of the Security Council also called on Member States to report as soon as possible on concrete measures
they have taken in order to implement effectively the provisions of resolution 2270 (2016).
The members of the Security Council reiterated the importance of maintaining peace and stability on the Korean
Peninsula and in North-East Asia at large, expressed their commitment to a peaceful, diplomatic and political solution
to the situation and welcomed efforts by Council members, as well as other States, to facilitate a peaceful and
comprehensive solution through dialogue.
The members of the Security Council stress the importance of working to reduce tensions in the Korean Peninsula and
The members of the Security Council agreed that the Security Council would continue to closely monitor the situation
and take further significant measures in line with the Councils previously expressed determination.
6 September 2016

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