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Inner Animals By The Masked Musici: Again, I'm writing about a beautiful thing that you need to know about. Inner animals are animals that represent your soul. Only you can figure out your inner animal, so don’t let anyone tell you what you are because they would be lying. Never suspect your inner animal to be something because it could ibe what you least expected. For example, someone who was afraid of heights could very well be an eagle. Also, you have to be one hundred percent sure it’s your animal. If you have any doubts, then it’s not your animal. All men and boys should find their animal before they die, but it's not as important for women/girls to find their animal because they are Mother Nature, but they could very well find it. Once you have found your animal, you can turn into it emotionally whenever it is, needed. Remember this, it could help you in life. LLove the 80’s! Katherine Ernst Fads of the 80's. The side ponytail, the disco, and bubblegum pop. Where did it all go? Why is it not “kewl” anymore? Where did all the fads go? The side ponytail. ‘The side ponytail was really “groovy,” according to people in the 80's. The side ponytail never got in the way or did any harm. So why is it out of fashion? Why not bring it back? The disco is one of the popular, yet “geeky” dances known to mankind today. People ridicule the dance that in clubs 20 years ago people were doing, trying to be “in.” Now they do hip hop, grinding, and the worm. What about the disco? N’sync and the Backstreet Boys carried bubblegum pop in the 90's, but most pop was begun in the late 80’s. Why did it fade away so quickly? Where did it go? ‘The 80's were the greatest decade. Not 90's, not 00's, but the 80's. ale “a er HIG THE WORLD MAY NEVER KNOW By Mike Baskowski The world is full of mysteries. Who killed Jimmy Hoffa? Why is the sky blue? How many licks does it take to get to the center of a tootsie? But have you ever wondered how your ice cream ends up in the bottom of @ cone? Think about it. After scooping your ice cream on top of a cone, you then eat it. But once you're down to just the cone, there's always ice cream packed in it! How can this bel?! After deep thought, I still have not come to a conclusion. How does ice cream get in the cone...the world may never know. Fruit Behind Bars? By Kelly Scrima Just recently, police reported 3 oversized bananas robbing a store. “What a tragedy!” said a customer. know,” said the store cashier. “They just jumped out from nowhere,” “Weird,” said the customer. “They came and stole all the fruit and slipped out the door.” To be continued... Update on PSP! By Dave Gedarovich A while ago someone wrote an article on the PSP, which is like a gameboy version of the playstation. He'mentioned that at full batteries it can only run for 10 minutes but THAT IS COMPLETELY WRONG!!! At full batteries the PSP can run anywhere from 5-10 hours depending on whether you're watching a movie or playing a game or even something else. That's all the news on the PSP for now. TAN Thay Sa0-y wip neat orb, Response to “Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban” By Edmund Metzold ‘A few DDs ago, Derek Lee wrote about how there was a new Dumbledore and a new director in the third Harry Potter movie than in the first and second movies. He said that the person who played Dumbledore in the first and ‘second movies died after playing Gandaif in the Lord of the Rings movies, but Gandalf was played by lan McKellen, and Dumbledore was played by Richard Harris (now played by Michael Gambon). More information is that Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire will come ‘out in November 2005 and will have another new director named Mike Newell. Harry Potter 3 was directed by Alfonso Cuarén and Harry Potter 1 and 2 was directed by Chris Columbus. Sisters By Audrey and Sydney Emerson Three questions we will answer about sisters 1. Why are sisters mean to each other but not mean to their friends? Sisters are often annoyed with each other because they feel comfortable getting in trouble with their mom but not comfortable getting in trouble with their friend's mom. 2. Why do little sisters try to hog the older sisters friends? Little sisters often try to hog the older sisters friends because they feel cool that their friends with older kids. 3. How come older sisters don't like it when little sisters hog their friends? Older sisters don't like it because they take the ‘attention away from you and your friends stort to stand up for your little sis and start to take over. ‘An Amazing Story By Tom Whitlock So this one day I went into a sub shop and this guy ordered a BLT. I told him that a BLT was a bacon, lettuce and tomato, and if he didn’t want a bacon, lettuce and tomato, he shouldn't order a BLT. Well, he said he knew that, 0 he proceeded to pay for his BLT. So then, the general manager of the Cleveland Indians walked in, and he ordered a BLT. [told him that a BLT was a bacon, lettuce and tomato and if he didn’t want a bacon, lettuce and tomato, he shouldn't order a BLT. He said, “Wow, I didn't know that.” So he ordered @ meatball sub instead, which cost him five cents more, which was good for the local economy. Always support small businesses. AIKIDO. By: MEAGHAN Bopy IN TUESDAY'S NOONTIME SHOW, ‘THE FIRST ACT WAS AIKIDO. EVERYBODY WAS AMAZED OF HOW THE PEOPLE WHO WERE DOING IT WEREN'T HURT. PEOPLE THAT WERE SITTING RIGHT IN FRONT OF THE STAGE WERE AFRAID THAT WHEN ONE OF THEM. FLIPPED THE OTHER, THE OTHER WOULD FALL ON THEM. THAT ACT WAS AHIT. I WOULD GO TO IT ON FESTIVAL Day. By: Emma Gladstone Today it was so hot! My friend and I were burning like crazy in our jeans during the Noon Time Show. We couldn’t change our clothes until after Aaron’s Random Things By Aaron Derderian Random Color- Lime Green Random Person- Jim N, Funklejinglemansoner Random Food- Hash Browns with pancakes Random Explorer- Dr. Finkleson DODGEBALL MOVIE REVIEW By Dave Gedarovich Dodgeball is a very good and funny movie in my opinion. If you like comedies, this is the movie for you. If you don’t want to see it because you don’t like Ben Stiller, don’t let that stop you because it is not like any of the other movies he’s been in. This movie is about a group of average people and a “pirate” who need to get $50,000 soon, or they have to sell their gym to Ben Stiller, who owns a very successful gym. They decide to play dodgeball. androgyn ‘by emma halwi a leopard’s point of view the opinion lady Onan average form there is a section called = “Gender.” It beats two slots: male and female. About’ half of the people in the world are female, and half are male. In their minds, however, not their bodies, they may not be just one gender. They may not even have a gender at all, These are the androgynes, the gender-different. ‘The word “androgyne” is made up of the Greek words for “male” and “female.” ‘The most importantly androgynous idea is dressing. You know how both boys and girls can wear tshirts, say, without being looked at oddly? Androgynes usually ‘wear clothing that is interchangeable, so that they will be perceived as person, not a set of rigidly defined rules. (ex.: pink is a girly color, so all girls like pink.) Ifa girl doesn’t like pink, say, or doesn’t apply to a number of other female roles, she may want to be thought of as a person, not just “a girl.” Makeup is often used quite a lot among these people, sometimes to deliberately blur their gender. They tend to have either very short or rather long hair, which they style elaborately. They don’t like stereotypes of their ‘gender and seek to defy them, preferring to have a neutral look rather than an overtly “girly” or “boyish” tone. Personally, I don’t understand it much. But then, I don’t use makeup, and I don’t style my hair. I don’t even know whether I am defined as a tomboy or not, whereas. androgynes are very concerned about how they are perceived—can you say narcissistic? 1 knew you could. They say it has nothing to do with how they are born. Hormones, anyone? It seems, to be frank, extremely futile. I say that being yourself —no matter how cheesy it may sound—is the key. ‘Mateup is okay ooal quanties! Smal elt the heyword. DO YOU LIKE EGGS?? By Ben Perelmuter Yes: 39 No: 4 Only four people said “no.” That's kind of surprising (although I said yeu). powg Klutz ous, Your WORK, 3S WORSENING. WITH ALLTHIS Low EFFORT, Z wiLl PAY You owe UNLESS WE DO BETTER. by Noah Masur ALL THIS FROM AGUY WHO COFFEE REHEATED Only a Dream By Isabella Batts Twoke up around 2 in the morning last night Thad a quite a fright so I tuned on the light called.” Help me! Help me! I had a bad dream! In which I was floating straight down a green stream Ie twisted and turned tll it ame to a city The lights were so bright that I became quite dizzy The next thing I knew, I was kidnapped by birds They sang me a song with peculiar words We flew over the city and under the sky And then the birds dropped me in a big pie ‘The pie was so tasty, I ate it, but then 1 grew until 1 was 100 ft ten | was distraught tears came to my eyes wished to be back to my regular size My giant self cried and begin to shake I ctied up a puddle, the size of a lake Then I woke up, and I was so relieved “What a nightmare I had”. I sighed and I heaved But unfortunately, later I found It wasn't a dream, for this morning, I drowned. W nd Huy computer classes) By: Derek Lee (On Tuesday, Doug came back from his vacation to help Huy repair the computers. Now the server is back and running. Also, now the ‘computers work again. We thank Doug and Huy, the computer fantasticos for help repairing the computers What's It Like? By Dudette the Great (Laura Patten) Dear boys of the camp, You all wonder, what is the girls’ bathroom like? You say it’s just like your bathroom. WRONG! ‘Actually the gitls’ bathroom is more classical, with couches, see-through sinks, and comfy toilet seats. Also, they have pearl tiling, That beats your bathroom by a lot. So don’t be footed by the counselors, just listen to me. After all, Iam a kid Tennis Tournament By Etic Epstein Today's boys’ ladder finals were between Yoni Philosophe and Tom Dillon. Tom won the match to the boys” ladder. On the girls’ ladder Emily Wingrove played Matt Aucoin for the finals of the girls’ ladder. Note that Matt was only on the girls’ ladder because there were more boys signed up than girls, so Matt was Put on the girl’ ladder to even out the ladders. Emily took the title of the winner of the girls’ ladder ‘Tomorrow Tom and Emily will play for the title of CRCAP tennis champion.

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