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I found a baby crow one morning, under the tree he and his nest mate fell out of

one night when a bad storm happened. The tree he was in was on a somewhat busy
street, downtown in a large city. His nest mate was unfortunately dead beside hi
m, the victim of a vehicle from the looks of him. It was super sad. After I resc
ued the baby crow I buried the dead nest mate.
When I rescued the crow he only had about half of his feathers in. He was still
very small and pink skinned and blue eyed. I spent a couple of years raising par
rots from eggs, so I had an idea about the care of birds. Parrots are totally di
fferent from crows (corvids). But the knowledge was beneficial. I consulted the
internet on what to feed him and how to care for him. My boss at work was totall
y fine with me bringing him to work with me. Being a baby he needed lots of feed
ing and cuddling and care. I was lucky to have a job with an understanding boss
where this wasn't a problem at all.
Anyways, once Edgar's (Yes, I called him Edgar Allen Crow - I know totally origi
nal right? haha) feathers were all in, I started to teach him how to fly. Again,
I consulted the internet, and also employed my own techniques and ideas to stre
ngthen his wings and body and excersice him to make him strong to he could event
ually fly.
I'll never forget the day of his first flight! He was excited! I was excited! We
both made happy excited noises together when he finally took off and flew aroun
d and around me while cawing happily and then landed on my arm and exclaiming jo
yfully. It was a truly heartbreakingly sweet moment!
After that Edgar flew around all the time. He spent more and more time outside w
hile I was at work, fending for himself, but always came home to me happily as s
oon as I called for him.
One day I noticed him hanging out with another crow. And due to my experience wi
th birds, I recognized that he was "courting" the other crow. A female. They wer
e so sweet together. He still came home to "roost" at night but as soon as I ope
ned the window in the morning for him, she was there waiting and they would fly
off together.
One day, Edgar just didn't come when I called him.
I called for him all night, but I never did see Edgar or his mate again. I was s
ad for me, but happy for him to have found a mate to be with and be a crow and b
e happy. I miss him so much. We were friends for just shy a year, I'll never for
get him. He was an amazing little guy. And I'll never forget that day he flew. A
fter months of hard work, and frustration on both our ends, and then he finally
took flight! It was amazing!
So yup! You can find baby birds and teach them how to fly. I even taught parrot
s how to fly as well. It's totally possible and I'm sure there's been thousands
of people to do it.?

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