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HOMEticket sorszm: / HOMEticket no

2016.06.09. 10:13:29


r: 2999,00 Ft
Rendezvnyszervez: Kultrpark Kft., Soroksri t 60., Budapest;; Nk. Asz.: 24995670-2-43; A jegy ra: 2999,00 Ft, mely 21,26% FA-t tartalmaz. SZJ:


HOMEticket sorszm: / HOMEticket no


HU - A belpjegy nem vlthat vissza. A belpjegy egy f egyszeri belpsre jogost s nem ruhzhat t


msra. A belpjegy msolsa, hamistsa bncselekmny, amelyet az adott orszg trvnye bntet.

may not be reimbursed. After leaving the premises of the Event the ticket loses its validity. Any interference

- The ticket is non-transferable. The purchased ticket may not be returned, exchanged and the entrance fee

with the ticket makes the ticket invalid and its holder will not be allowed to enter the Event. The ticket
is a security and any alteration or falsification will be regarded as a serious offence or a crime.
The ticket purchasing establishes a contract between the ticket holder and Events Ticketportal
bears no responsibility for any Organizer's activities as well as for running of the Event.
A belpjegy megvsrlsval a felhasznl elfogadja a rendezvny s a programhelyszn hzirendjt,

In the premises of the Event, the holder is bound to the Operation Instructions and the Directions of the Organizer and

tovbb tudomsul veszi, hogy az eladsrl kp- s hangfelvtel kszlhet, amelyen - mint ltogat -

the attendants. The Organizer does not take responsibility for the damages on property and health of the visitors in

a felhasznl is feltnhet, de semmilyen kvetelssel nem lphet fel a rendezvel, a felvtel ksztjvel

case they have been caused by unlawful or any other inappropriate behavior of the ticket holder or other people present.

jelzi a visszavlts feltteleit. A jegy rn kvl a felhasznl nem lphet fel semmilyen egyb kvetelssel

For the protection of the visitors and persons participating on the Event, in the premises of the Event the ticket holder

vagy anyagi ignnyel. A rendezvny szervezje nem vllal felelssget az n vagy ms ltogatk magatartsbl

is obliged to produce an officially recognized identification card when asked by the organizing attendants. The Organizer

add esetleges srlsekrt vagy anyagi krokrt. A rendezvny szervezje a msorvltoztats jogt fenntartja.

and any other authorized persons for the Event reserve the right to record the Event. In case of taking photos and
other records during the Event or relating to it, the ticket holder agrees to the records being used without a
claim to financial compensation. The Organizer reserves the right to change the program. Should the Event be
cancelled, the Organizer will announce the alternate date of the Event or the way to receive a refund, within ten days
at the latest, in the place where the ticket was purchased. Accommodation or travel expenses will not be refunded.



Krjk, ne adjon lehetsget belpjnek msolsra, eltulajdontsra, mivel az azzal val visszals esetn nem

HOMEticket is a full-value ticket and the holder handles it on his own responsibility. HOMEticket features

tudjuk garantlni az n bejutst. Ez a belpjegy csak az interneten vsrolhat meg, s a rajta lv sorszm s

a unique number and bar code. These identification features authorize the holder to enter the premises

vonalkd segtsgvel egyedileg beazonosthat. Amennyiben az n belpjnek hamistsbl a rendezvny

of the Event just once and only on the first use. In case of making a copy of the HOMEticket, the

szervezjnek kra szrmazik, az okozott krrt n felelssgre vonhat. A rendezvnyre val zavartalan bejuts

holder risks that s/he will not be allowed to enter the premises of the Event and that s/he will bear all

rdekben a rendezk krsre igazolja szemlyazonossgt.

legal consequences and damages thereof, no matter whether s/he has produced the original or a copy.


The HOMEticket printed out of Internet is not valid for further sale. The Organizer reserves the

Keresse tovbbi rendezvnyeinket a weboldalon,

right to change or amend these directions. By purchasing the ticket and by producing it at the

ahol a HOMEticket szolgltatsunk segtsgvel vsrolhatja meg

entrance, the ticket`s holder agrees to these General Directions, the Organizers Directions

belpjegyeit, s azokat sajt maga nyomtathatja ki!

and the Trading Terms and Conditions of Ticketportal.


Halott Pnz nyrzr

16.09.02 17:00 ra
Budapest Park
r: 2999,00 Ft

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