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The people in Tokyo usually get up at 6 am; they sometimes go to the

park to do exercises, before starting to work.
The most people in Tokyo are patience, humble and friendly with people
from his own country and with the tourist.

The people in Tokyo usually eat in their breakfast rice, fish and a lot of
And the people usually after eat ling say thanks by the food and they
wash their own dishes.



Another striking aspect of Japanese society is its high degree of

consumerism and the importance of the appearances. They love
products and clothing brand.
The people in japan after arriving from work or studies, they always take
a bath and they always eat together in family.
There are a lot of office workers, they are a characterizer because they
often live from the centre of Tokyo where housing is more affarable. They
spend many hours each day on the train to go to work and stay long
hours in the office, from where too late.
Once a year, the people in their district or students in their school
participle in sport festivals and are divided in 2 groups to compete for
group victory.

The kids go to school at 7.50 am until 3.00 pm sometimes; they have

lunch in the school.

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