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Will Sheffler

Honors English Pd. 4

Mr. Hull
Jury Activity Individual Paragraph
After considering all the evidence and facts of this case, I find the
defendant not guilty. Some reasons behind my decision are that it is
physically impossible the defendant stabbed the uncle, the old mans
testimony was unreliable, and the testimony from the woman across the
street was unreliable. Our defendant could have actually killed his uncle
because his uncle was six inches taller than him. The knife was found in the
uncles chest as a downward angle meaning the person who stabbed him
had to be taller and stronger which our defendant is not. The old man has
trouble walking and needed a cane yet claimed to go across his apartment
and see the killer in 15 seconds. This is very unlikely. The women across the
street wore thick glasses and claimed to see the murder as a train passed by.
Since she has bad vision to begin with and there was a train passing by
breaking the line of sight, it is unlikely she could make out enough details to
positively identify the defendant.

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