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The Third Written Work

I.Complete the sentences.Use the must or mustnt.
3 I / be careful.
1. I ................... get some exercise.
2. You ................... go to bed now. It's late.
4 They / ask for directions.
3. Dad's working. We ................... make a noise.
4.People ................... smoke in the cinema.
5 She / get angry.
5. My hair's awful! I ................... go and wash it.
6. Be careful with those eggs! You ...................
break them.

6 We / spend all our money.


II. Choose the right words.

1 Take a coat with you. You ...... get cold.
a can

b must

c mustn't

2 Steve ...... play basketball because he's got a

broken arm.
a can

b can't

c must

3 This is a dangerous corner. We ...... be careful

when we cross the road here.
a can

b must

c mustn't

4 I ...... probably get a weekend job at the

a can

b can't

c must

5 You ...... remember his information. It's very

a must

IV. Complete the questions. Use should with the

verbs in the box

b can

c can't

6 You ...... see our house from the top of the

a must
b mustn't c can
III.Write sentences. Use: should / shouldnt.
1 You / take a map.


wear answer

1 ................... I ................... his letter?

2 ................... I ................... a jacket tonight?
3 ................... we ................... the windows before
we leave?
4 ................... I ................... to her advice?
5 ................... you ................... to your parents
about this problem?
6 When ................... I ................... you?
V.Complete the sentences. Use the affirmative
or negative form of the verbs.
1If I .................................. , my parents will get
worried. (ring )
2 If you .................................. an omelette, we'll
need to buy some eggs. (want )
3 If Susan .................................. her homework
soon, she'll watch the video with us. (finish )

2 You / forget to take an umbrella.

4 If you .................................. careful, you'll drop

those boxes. (be )


5 If the rain .................................. , we'll go for

a walk. (stop ).

6 If I .................................. my hair tonight, I'll

wash it tomorrow. (wash )

Translate the following sentences

7 If he .................................. his ice cream soon,

it'll melt. (eat )

1.Many animals are in danger of extinction.


8 If we .................................. to walk home, we'll

take the bus. (want )


VI.Underline the mistake in each sentence and correct


2.I try to reuse plastic bags when Im shopping.


1.If we wont leave soon, we will be late.

2.If he stops smoking, he be healthier.
3.If you dont be careful, you will break
that camera.
4.If Marina not writes to me will be
really disappointed.


3.Please dont waste water.


4.Theres a lot of rubbish in the streets.

5.If he comes,I dont be surprised

VII.Label the everyday materials

5.The level of the sea will rise.
6.You should find a river,then follow it.
7.You should run away as fast as you can.
Teacher ________________________


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