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Brooke Tatum

Mr. Negley
English 1010
December 14, 2014
Why Bother
Michael Pollans article, Why Bother? from the popular New
York Times Magazine, brings up the question of why people should
bother to go green, given that the magnitude of the problem is so
huge; Pollan states that even though an individuals actions may be
small, they can bring on a chain reaction of rewards. Pollan explains
how the, warming, is occurring much faster, and that even though
we know what actions to take, someone else out there will just offset
our carbon emissions. Pollan says that our actions wont be big enough
to overcome this offset. Pollan goes on to say that this problem is
caused by a certain lifestyle formed by, cheap energy, which has
made it possible for our specialized jobs. But Pollan still asserts that
people should still go green, and that change might lead another
person to go green and set off a chain reaction. Pollan states that the
best way to go green is to start your own garden, which will in turn
reduce carbon emissions, help people to eat locally, get healthy
exercise, reconnect with your community and restore your connection
with the earth.
Works Cited
Pollan, Michael. "Why Bother?" New York Times 20 Apr. 2008

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