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Episode 2 Test

Name: ________________________________ Date:

Fill in the Blanks:
Word Bank 1: Permian, Evolution, Fittest
1)Natural Selection is also called Survival of the
2)The trilobites were wiped out in the ___________ massextinction.
3)________________ is why we have so many different
forms of life on Earth.
Word Bank 2: Research, Artificial, Mutation
4)When an outside force (like humans) chooses which
mutations / traits should be bred into the next
generation is called _______________ Selection.
5)Natural Selection is the tendency of a ______________
that allows for better survival / reproduction to outbreed those that dont.
6)In science, a theory represents a fact supported by
Word Bank 3: Five, Predictions, Tree of Life
7)The __________________ is a metaphor for the common
ancestry of all life on Earth.
8)A scientific law is a theory that can make

9)We are aware of _______ mass extinctions in the

history of Earth.

Short Answer:

Why are astronomers interested in life on Earth?


What is your favorite extinct creature?

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