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TITLE (Word Style "BA_Title") The title should

accurately, clearly, and concisely reflect the emphasis

and content of the report
AUTHOR NAMES (Word Style "BB_Author_Name"). Use first names, initials, and
surnames (e.g., John R. Smith)

AUTHOR Roll numbers (Word Style "BC_Author_Address")

TEXT (Word Style "TA_Main_Text"). Introuction should cover importance, need,
applications, relevance in current challenges of the society, state of the art of the
material or technology. It should be a concise summary of all the papers you refer
and should not exceed 500 words.
TEXT (Word Style "TA_Main_Text"). In this section you should mention general
description of important methods of synthesis, fabrication, refining, extraction,
processing etc. It should not exceed 300 words.
TEXT (Word Style "TA_Main_Text"). In this you should conclude your analysis of
selected material or technology and mention future prospects and new emerging
areas of application/implementation. This should also not exceed 300 words.
(Word Style "TF_References_Section"). References are placed at the end.
1. Verma, and A. Sharma, "Submicrometer Pattern Fabrication by Intensification of Instability in Ultrathin
Polymer Films under a Water-Solvent Mix", Macromolecules 2011, 44, 4928-4935.

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