Gorgias Question

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Which of the following names does NOT represent a character inGorgias?

(A) Polus
(B) Callicles
(C) Aristotle
(D) Chaerephon
Where does the dialogue take place?
(A) Mycenae
(B) Crete
(C) Troy
(D) Athens
All except which of these topics are discussed within the text?
(A) rhetoric
(B) suicide
(C) cookery
(D) justice
According to Socrates, which of the following is rhetoric NOT aimed at?
(A) instruction
(B) persuasion
(C) pleasure
(D) belief
Whom does Socrates believe to be the most convincing speaker in front of a crowd on the
subject of medicine?
(A) Plato
(B) a gourmet chef
(C) a doctor
(D) a rhetorician (an orator)
Socrates proclaims the opinions of the mob to be most often
(A) accurate
(B) ignorant

(C) democratic
(D) violent
Which of the following is NOT a pair of opposites defined inGorgias?
(A) right/wrong
(B) just/unjust
(C) temperate/intemperate
(D) peaceful/violent
Which of the following does Socrates consider an art?
(A) business
(B) rhetoric
(C) politics
(D) gymnastics (fitness)
Which practice does Socrates argue is a routine/false art?
(A) drama
(B) beautification
(C) schooling
(D) legislation
Whom does Socrates argue to be most powerful among the following?
(A) politicians/rulers
(B) the wealthy
(C) teachers
(D) the temperate
Which of the following does Socrates declare to be worst?
(A) to suffer wrong
(B) to do wrong without punishment
(C) to do wrong with punishment
(D) to benefit from wrongdoing
Socrates believes punishment to be
(A) unjust

(B) a necessary evil

(C) excessively harsh
(D) capable of righting a wrong
One evil of the body is
(A) ugliness
(B) fatigue
(C) hunger
(D) fear
Which of the below is NOT an evil of the soul?
(A) ignorance
(B) injustice
(C) cowardice
(D) sloth
According to Socrates, which of the following is the most noble human aspect?
(A) body
(B) mind
(C) soul
(D) love
What is Socrates's ultimate pursuit?
(A) beauty
(B) virtue
(C) justice
(D) health
Callicles feels it is disgraceful for a grown man to
(A) defy his government
(B) engage in sexual intercourse
(C) owe money
(D) practice philosophy
Which of the following does Socrates define as the fundamental meaning of justice?

(A) power
(B) equal shares for all
(C) rule by a democratic authority
(D) punishment
According to Socrates, who is the most happy?
(A) those with power
(B) those with wealth
(C) those who satisfy their desires
(D) those who need nothing
The part of the soul in which desires reside is most like
(A) a roaring fire
(B) a bottomless pit
(C) a leaky jar
(D) a dying light
Socrates maintains that pleasure and the good are
(A) desirable
(B) identical
(C) elusive
(D) different
According to Socrates, all our actions should be for the sake of the
(A) weak
(B) poor
(C) good
(D) strong
Order and discipline of the body are to health and strength as order and regularity of the
soul are to
(A) justice and peace
(B) virtue and power
(C) justice and temperance

(D) peace and virtue

To conclude, Socrates relates a mythology of
(A) the world's creation
(B) birth
(C) the creation of humans
(D) death

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