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Juan Cabrera

CRW 3362

She is the single word in my brain.
Which I dream when I walk.
In my self in my mouth,
what always makes me talk.
If I see her I cannot contain,
myself and my mouth
Because my love belongs to her
But not
to my brain, to my pride.
My other half. My friend, my muse.
She is every love in a mans life.
She is my lost sister too.
She is inside and out,
she is my life and my doubt.
The sweet blue cloud
Kissing the wing of the plane;
my mouth and my brain.
The science makes sense
In a world without reason
Because now,
Wisdom is love,
And your blue hug a new season.
The most beautiful philosophy,
Giant, sublime, and transcendental.

Your eyes:
heavy brown door of my pathology.
Addictive sirup in my tonge;
your skin:
the most beautiful biology.

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