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Vedic Vashikaran Yantra Mantra Sadhana

Due to a great demand from the subscribers of this site I am giving here a Vedic Vashikaran Yantra Mantra
Sadhana. This is a most potent and effective Vashikaran Sadhana of attraction which invokes Vishnu.
Please remember that it is against the Law to influence any man or woman against his or her will for any
wrongful purposes; like only for sexual activities. The Sadhana will not work for such harmful purposes. It works
for only if practiced for a pure goal and not for malefic purposes.

Vedic Vashikaran Yantra

Vedic Vashikaran Mantra

The Yantra has to be prepared on a Bhojpatra with a paste made from Gorochan [an animal part used in pooja],
Kumkum [red turmeric powder], Kasturi [scented musk powder] and Shrikhand [Indian sweet made from hung
curd as the main ingredient]. These ingredients have to be mixed and then written with a pointed stick of the
pomegranate plant.Then a typical Vedic pooja of the Yantra has to be done; like the offering of flowers, incense
and the lighting of a Diya.Then the Vashikaran Mantra given here has to be chanted 108 times holding the Yantra
in your hand; this is to infuse the Yantra with the vibrations of the mantra. Then Yantra has to be put in a locket
and worn on the body.

All needs fulfilling Yantra

A simple all needs fulfilling Yantra; requires no complicated mantra Siddhi; suitable for the layman. This Yantra is
known to fulfill all needs required for a contented existence.
The Yantra has to be written just like how I have prepared it. On a white piece of paper with red ink. Then it has
to be stuck on the inside of the main door of your home. Then another similar Yantra has to be prepared and it has
to be kept in your purse or wallet.
Then if you are going to meet someone seeking help related to the fulfillment of your needs chant the mantra
Om Hreem Namah as many times as possible on the way and before meeting him.

Needs fulfilling Yantra

Vastu dosha nivaran yantra

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