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Francel Family,

Thank you for the thoughtful graduation gift. It will go towards some fun and
relaxation before I start work. I wish Elaina the best in the rest of her college career,
and I would love to keep in touch with all of you.

Carolyn and Mark,

Thank you for the generous graduation gift! It will be going towards fun and
relaxation before I start work. I also cant thank you both enough for taking such
good care of me throughout my college career in Duluth. It has been a comfort
knowing that you both have been there for me, and school would have been much
more difficult without all of your support.
Thank you.

Thank you for the thoughtful graduation gift. It will go towards some fun and
relaxation before I start work. Now that I will be back home, I would love to get
together more often. How about the track sometime?

Thank you for the thoughtful graduation gift. The photo is absolutely beautiful, and
it is nice to be reminded of such a strong female leader, she is a role model for me. I
would love to get together now that I am in town. Lets keep in touch!

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