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Update: 11/04/2014


Hey S(w)immers!
It s time to go swimming! November, sunshine, swimming, splashing, the warmth of t
he su well, we are international, so it s sunny for some. Anyway, Pools are here! A
nd your Sims are ready to jump in and splash around!
Jump into Create a Sim to customize your Swimwear!
Choose from the Styled Looks to quickly swim up your Sim; or choose the
perfect one or two-piece bikini, swim trunks or budgie smugglers!
Top off your creation with a hat, some sandals, and a dab of sunscreen d
own the bridge of your nose, and you are ready to go!
Build out your pool in Build Mode by clicking on the Build tab, and the Pool
s image in the home portrait
You can place pre-fashioned pool blocks (triangle, square, diagonal, or
octagon), or you can use the Pool Tool to draw your own pool.
Pools can be built on any floor of your home or venue.
Decorate and enhance your pool with pools lights, install a ladder, customiz
e the wall and floor textures to your liking then plop down some decals or add s
ome windows for that aquarium esque experience!
Sims can enjoy the comforts of your newly built pool, whether they are socia
lizing as they dangle their digits in the water, splashing the kids, or putting
themselves out after being set on fire by an angry ghost who had died from a tra
gic poolside grilling accident.
Be wary of the hungry and fatigued, a moment too long in the pool has been k
nown to cause a lack of living. The Reaper will gladly accept your pleas, though
he may not always oblige them.
Build out your dream home (with pool included) or head to the Gallery to find th
e wondrous creations of your fellow S(w)immers , and spend the day with your Sim
s by the poolside!
In addition to releasing Pools in this update, we have also spent time fixing so
me bugs and continuing to enhance the game:
Our players have been instrumental in helping us track down the small eye, wide
jaw issue that was interfering with some Sims as they aged up both in Live Mode
and in Create a Sim. Working with the community, and our internal quality assura
nce group, we have reverted the tuning as Sims changed ages that resulted in a s
hrinking of the eyes, and a widening of the jaw. It is intentional that Sims cha
nge slightly as they age but the tuning we were using wasn t performing as we expe
cted as of yet. Thank you once again for your patience and diligence in helping
us resolve this
Crashes / Performance
Several performance issues were found and addressed with this release, and w
e will continue to look into improving performance across the board.
Fixed an issue that could result in the player being unable to place a room
from the gallery if it contained a slotted object.
Fixed an issue that would prevent you from loading an older save with an upd
ated version of the game.
Sometimes the game crashes in a completely logical fashion and sometimes
We fixed an issue that would cause household members to delete themselve
s, but only if a household of more than one began their existence at the Potters
Splay lot, one member of the household then traveled to visit the Pique Hearth
or Rindle Rose household, and then returned home to find their other household m

embers have gone missing. The Potters Splay lot has been thoroughly exorcised an
d made safe for Sim living once again.
On a similar note, there was a counter and an oven at Yuma Heights that coul
d cause a crash, these too have been fixed.
We fixed a freeze that could occur when attempting to move in with a homeles
s Sim if you changed your mind (having realized they don t have a home) and attemp
ted to back out of the move-in flow.
Rejoice! You can once again choose to move in with the homeless even tho
ugh they don t have a home. You can decide to not move in to their homeless home,
but rather choose to move into a new home with them, or move the homeless Sim in
to your home.
Tuning / Graphics
Fixed an issue that resulted in a placed counter sink being deleted when the
player moved the counter.
You can now search for TV in Build Mode, because it turns out nobody uses the
word television.
Fixed an issue with newly created Sims made from an older shared household o
verwriting the original household.
Fixed an issue where Sims refused to clean up books if the action was initia
ted through the bookshelf. It seems Sims prefer to be told directly, rather than
the bookshelf leaning over and whispering "Hey, my books are showing."
Fixed an issue that resulted in elder female Sims forgetting they had two le
gs, and instead walking with a one-legged stutter step, Pardon me m lady, but you h
ave two legs.
Fixed an issue that could occur during the swapping of the Urn and Tombstone
models that would result in the urn/tombstone forgetting what it was and losing
all functionality.
On a side note, why use the word could ? It turns out that bugs do not occu
r for all people, often due to the complexity of what is happening in the code.
In this issue, the reproducible case that allowed us to verify the issue as reso
lved required you to perform an action an unreasonable number of times in succes
sion, in order to see the issue occur once.
Fixed an issue where Sims were choosing to kneel at improper moments, being
socially awkward, kneeling at the dining table, or similarly strange occurrences
Children will no longer levitate when attempting to blow out the candles of
a cake on a counter. Nobody believed the levitation really occurred anyway, and
those who saw the levitation are no longer available for comment.
Fixed an issue with Ghosts possessing Grills, that would cause them to open
the grill, examine the contents, close the grill, and then jump in. We have inf
ormed the ghosts that the contents of the grill will have no bearing upon their
dietary preferences, nor will they be viewed any differently for choosing to pos
sess a grill when they just feel like possessing a grill.
Fixed an issue that would result in multiple Sims standing in the same place
when they chose to play as sea monster.
It was noted that this bug made them look like a sea monster, so an inter
nal debate rose regarding the believable nature of the issue. Were the Sims expr
essing their inner monster as they played Sea Monster? Should we take that away
from them? Did we even have the right to? As the producers were busy debating
the philosophical merits involved, planning meetings, and contemplating the soc
ial ramifications the engineer fixed it. And well here we are, with our Sims sea
monsterly expression ripped from them.
Build Mode

The simple way to state it: We fixed an issue where auto counters would sto
p working correctly after modifying the nearby architecture.
The not so simple way: When placing a counter perpendicular to a wall, and p
lacing a second counter opposite to it, then placing a third counter positioned
in front of the second one as if you were attempting to create a corner with aut
o-counters, then deleting the wall, and then once again attempt to create a corn
er piece, was resulting in auto-counters losing functionality. We fixed this.
Fixed an issue that would cause undo and redo to stop working if the undo ac
tion undid a foundation doing.
Fixed an issue when deleting an object with other objects slotted to it, wit
h the sledgehammer that prevented undo from returning the slotted objects (or, i
f you deleted a table with a vase on it, and then chose to undo the action, the
vase would not come back).
Fixed a quick-click issue. Delete floor, exit Build Mode, Sim is floating! Ta
Fixed an interface issue with the remove ceiling button flickering when the
cursor hovered over it.
Fixed an interface issue that would result in the Build Mode catalog failing
to properly open when switching between Build and Live Modes.
Learning time: By the way, in case you were curious on the correct pronu
nciation of Live, simply say to yourself I Build in Build mode, and I Live in Liv
e mode.
Thank you for everything

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