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Every day I wake up at 7 am, then I get up of my bed and later I take a

shower. After that I like to have breakfast with my family at 8 a.m. Next, I
walk to college, I come back to my house at noon to having lunch, then I go
to class until 5 p.m. when I go out of my clases, I used to call the guy who is
in charge of picking me up and take me to my house. then I go out with my
dog to make some exercice like jogging or staying in one site to seeing him
running with the others dogs until 7 a.m. Then I come back to my house to
give him something to eat, after that I take a shower and next to dress me
up I start to study on my desk at 9 a.m., then I go to bed and I wath tv to
wait for my dinner. After, I chat until 10 in the night before to finally go to

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