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Complete the table below.

Parts of Plot

Explanation based on the novel

Rising Action
Falling Action
At the end, the Robinsons went on their separate ways. Fritz married Jenny in
London. Ernest, Jack and Franz went to the best school in Europe. As for Mr
and Mrs Robinson; they decided to remain on the island.

On the island, they built a new life and managed to get by with items
they saved from the ship and whatever they found on the island. They
overcame difficulties and problems by working together.

Fritz, in secret, built a canoe. On his first trial to test out the canoe, he found a
message tied to the leg of an albatross. The message was from a shipwrecked
girl. He went to look for the girl and found her on a different part of the island,
near a volcano. He took the girl, Jenny, back with him to his part of the island.
She helped them to kill the mysterious cave animal

The Robinsons were on their way to Australia from Switzerland when

they were shipwrecked. The crew abandoned the ship and left the
Robinsons to save themselves. Luckily, they managed to build a raft and
rowed to the nearest island.

After a few days, the Robinson spotted a ship and asked for help. The captain of the ship came to shore and invited them to return to Europe with him. The
on their
captain was sent by Jennys grandfather
and bringwent
her back
separate ways. Fritz married Jenny in London.
Ernest, Jack and Franz went to the best school
in Europe. As for Mr and Mrs Robinson; they
decided to remain on the island.

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