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lecture 13

shariah's are based on principles. shariah principle and objectives.

if a particular law isn't serving a purpose there is a flaw
objectives of shariah to teach philosophy
shariah isn't there to revolutionize you, its to evolutionize you.
shariah needs sustainibility.
1)person. shariah impacts human or people themselves first(shariat on nafs) indi
vidual level. obey state laws if in non muslim state
2)implent laws in community respecting the society. be against the sin, not the
3)punishment can be given by the state. individual, society then comes state.
4) state organizes or facilitates cannot implement because you cannot enforce a
person to offer prayers.
arabic used for shariah language because it had no coronation. it was a unique l
anguage, nobody ruled arabs before. arabs
were nomads. they traveled in search of water.
lecture 14
shariah should be:
simple, short, broad, accomodative, permanent.
pillars of islam are also based on groups and society, not a stand alone thing
implementation of sharirah would take time. its not quick. fatwas take time and
their are counter arguments. only depends upon
muftapeeh call (kis fatway pe fatwa)?
fatwa rajeh (fatwa envoked)
individualism, society, state only make laws that are related to the well beings
of people. islam says amar ul maloom munkar?? (enjoy good and stop evil)
implement shariat on yourself and your family.
changes shariah talks about on three levels.
-complete change--you need to be 100% muslim. 100% aqeeda should be islamic. rit
ual is not important submission is.
-partial change-- dealings. short term(buying cellphone etc) and long term deali
ngs(shaadi, iddat, talaaq- extremely defined in Quran)
-only minor adjustments. culture- Quran cannot be constitution. it gives guideli
nes.Islam accomodates all cultures.
// Quran is Allah's speech/words. which are his attributes which are neither him
nor separates from him, and you only know God through the attributes.
if you are in connection with the attribute you are in connection with God.
// you confuse your culture with islam
4 key aspects of the shariah impacts.
-fatwa will not effect some other fatwa.
The rules between women and men, some general boundaries are decided but some ne
eds to be decided through mutual concencus between the two.
man are the supporters of the entire human life. cooking, and doing things for m
an is patriarchism.

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