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After reading/ watching the resources in the "planning for

communication section", please provide a real/ true

example for how one of the principles or concepts in the
reading relates to you. Be specific and narrative--tell it
like a story (what happened, who was there, where were
you, etc.).
Last summer, our lab decided to go to UCI to present our
poster at undergraduates chemistry department. The
poster was presenting what we have done at our
chemistry lab. Since we have to give a brief summary of
our project to the audience who may not interested in our
project, the elevators speech technique was used by us.
The information that we present were importance, aims,
and summary of the process, data results and what we
expect next. Then, the undergrad students audiences who
were interested start asking questions about the results
and some steps in the process, reasons of why using
some technique instead of others. There was a question
from one of their professor was really hard so we told him
that he should contact our professor for more information.

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