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Robotic Process Automation

To bring things into perspective let us start with some data points The total value of the outsourcing deals worldwide shrunk an almost
40% during the period 2010 2014 from $206.8 Billion in 2010 to
$120.4 Billion in 2014
20% - 30% is the amount by which Indian outsourcing deals size are
falling every time they are renewed
In 2014 total number of deals are down by 61% since 2010
Nasscom estimated in 2015 only 200,000 220,000 outsourcing jobs
had been added compared 273,000 jobs in 2011
In a study conducted by Pew Research Center many experts believe
that by 2025 robots and digital agents will replace a significant amount
of offshore employees
So what is changing in the global technology landscape that people have
started believing that there will no next India or next Philippines? Few
of the driving forces are rising labour costs and shrinking global
demographics. But adding fuel to fire in the advancement of technologies,
growth of internet of things, development of cognitive and automation
platforms and thus the possibilities of replacing humans with robots.
So how real is the threat to many of us working in outsourcing sector? At this
point maybe it will be good to remember the reasons why outsourcing
became an indispensable strategy for companies of all size and type across
the world.
Factors driving Outsourcing Sector

Labour arbitrage and Cost Economics: This is perhaps the most popular
reason for outsourcing. Mostly nothing seems for exciting to companies
than the ability to decrease the bottom line. Given the significant wage
difference between the onshore (US, Europe etc.) employee and the
Indian employee, coupled with diminishing exchange rates, service
providers have been able to provide attractive rates to the client
Talent Shortage: US companies still seem to be facing difficulties in
filling their vacancies with local candidates, hence the drive for
offshoring. As the outsourcing pie grew, Indias private engineering
colleges grew exponentially. There was no dearth of available skilledresources at low costs making offshoring an extremely win win
situation for everyone

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