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a BAU Ey imme ¢ € Bryan HiwreIsaae Goopnart. een DSS —_ SS hee Createp By Marr Hawkins Dove shen Metals Isaac GOODHART PH BRAY ICED OB QU OCS LO) Ke) acy LSE TON erotics eS aa ee Troy PETERI ar LeTTERER : Seu en Ene gern renrntrcn Ryan Capy Epiror Tricia Ramos baton irou Cony ple Ree dares Ce rae Caan areas ee baal = fe 4 (Se rraorrToents re ane aaaliaiaiaal y Fe ee ers niet dl a ose ae Bernd city vet eres eet Coa cay De eee ee en eee Ce ee en Se Ree Se ee ee end Cee ne ee eR Dele eee ee ee mee) 0 achal persons (ving or dead), events, or places, without satiric intent, 's colnidetal DIGITAL EDITION, POSTAL soar. NY THE TOWN OF EDEN, WYOMING, SN \y) Ze WAS FOUNDED Wt SECRET AS AN NZ OferTc-oaib HAVEN Foe ceiinaLs, etter TO esTAGLisH ANEW IDENTITY om ESCAPE Be] Feom thie ourcibe Wome, 1) coe was rounen ey tHe auemaric ano VIOLENT /SAAC_SHIFFEON, WHO WAS Boe] NEARLY KILLED OVER A DECADE AGO BY HIS THEN-WIFE, LAURA, WHO CURRENTLY THEIR SON, pmaresG, WHO HAS ASPERGER'S SYNDROME AND WORKS AS ‘THE EDEN POSTMASTER, FUNCTIONS AS A PROBLEM-SOLVER FoR, MANY OF THE TOWN’S RESIDENTS...AS WELL AS A SYMBOLIC REPRESENTATION OF EDEN’S FUTURE DAMNATION OR SALVATION. cae : eur even wir RECENTIX, COEN Has ectineee ool Plep coe cele eee INVESTIGATING EDEN'S THREATS. — PAST, AND MOLLY oe UNDER LOCK AND KEY, TNE Tews id ANrrtiNS = Bir Sane" wa Evans, SS stein SN THeee's set : VOLEREE on Beene, = TEE, Bo SEES, Ee le UNCONES ie aes Serine THe TaN BE DIRECTOR JON SCHULTZ, THE MAN RESPONSIBLE FoR ‘SHIELDING EDEN Fgom THE OursIDE WORLD. L Hi LAURA. IT'S ALL RisHT ie Snead Tar ciscce AND IT STAYS BROKE. YOU'RE MAKING AN EMOTIONAL CHOICE, THAT MAKES ME UNCOMFORTABLE. FROM THE MOMENT T THE 16 MAYOR AND FAITH HAS BEEN MELTING. V/ Ce Pahl Ry NO PART OF ME BELIEVES ROWAN SENT THOSE HEADS BACK ON HIS OWN. THAT OLD HORSE IS TOUGH, BUT He's NOT. THE MIGHTY ‘THOR. He's Gor HELP. THAT Hevp IS HIDING Him. PUT Some MONEY ON If MICHAEL. USE Your’ BEST CoLLese WORDS. ASK. BRIBE. PoRcE. AND FIND WHERE THis moTHERFUCKER BREATHES, ‘PRECATE THAT, BUT WHAT THE MAYOR SAYS 1S Wi a We Do. $o WHAT Happens: NOW? AND WE NEED" 0. COALITION OF THE WILLING. TELL ME ASOUT. THE ARYAN BROTHERHOOD. WHAT AM T DEALING Wit? THEY'RE PART IDEOLOGICAL. PART. PROFESSIONAL. IT'S 4 BUSINESS AS MUCH AS IT iS A MOVEMENT. “THEY MAKE THEIR MONEY DISTRIBUTING ILLEGAL ¥ GOODS TO OTHER ‘ORGANIZATION: “NARCOTICS. MOSTLY HEROIN, FENTANYL. METHAMPHETAMINE. “GUNS, THOSE THEY ff SELL ACROSS RACIAL LINES. BLACK GANGS. | MEXICAN GANGS. “some oF THEI2 | BUSINESS Goes FLD NoeTH TO S CANADA. MOST OF TT SPREADS INTO | THE AMERICAN cat mibwest” | THEY SEEM TO BE IN VIOLATION OF A NUMBER OF FEDERAL LAWS. THEY DO NOT SEEM TO BE A PRIORITY FOR LAW ENFORCEMENT, MORE SPECIFICALLY, THEY SEEM TO BE TOLERATED. T DON'T UNDERSTAND WHY. LT DON'T HAVE: APLAN, MARK. T NEED A PLAN. ‘wHaT You) NEED TO DO 1S. GET SOME ‘SLEEP You /seLp-DEsTRUCTIVE THINGS To PEOPLE NO ONE CARES ABOUT, AND THEY'RE CAREEUL TO MAKE SURE THe People THAT MATTER AREN'T AFFECTED. IT'S THE SAME REASON OU TOWN Lives AND GREATHES. NO ONE AVENGES THE EXPENDABLE. BECAUSE You CAN HELP Me'So-ve A puzzZce. You HAVE WHAT. I DON'T HAVE. EXPERIENCE WITH THE OUTSIDE WORLD. YOU. KNOW THE THINGS THAT MOTIVATE PEOPLE. MOTIVATION 1S THE HELP T NEED. T ASSUME You WILL WANT SOMETHING IN RETURN FOR, ASSISTANCE, T CAN'T Ser You FREE. IF YOU WANT THAT, THEN 'T HAVE TO LEAVE. TM FRee every Time T close my eyes. AND'T DREAM. T HAVE BEAUTIFUL ‘DREAMS. WHAT Is Your PROBLEM? \ o T.NEED your’ HELE, MOLLY. TELL ME WHAT You WANT Down sir AND TELL me EVERY THI WE'RE AT WAR WITH Someone. HE'S HIDING, BUT LL FIND HIM. WHEN Z Do, T WANT You TO visir THEM. YOU HAVE, ROUTINELY RESECTED MY POINT OF VIEW, AgNeR. You FIND ME ESOTERIC AND IRRELEVANT. SUCKING. ‘SAYING, T FOUND THAT HURTFUL. COSMICALLY, T Consipee Youle fg Rememsee WHar MUST BE DONE T BELIEVE IN ULTIMA THULE, THE LAND AT THE EDGE OF THE WORLD, THE SouRcE OF ARYAN POWER GIVEN TOUS BY THE OLD GoDs. THERE IS NO RELIGION GREATER THAN THE TRUTH, AND THE TRUTH IS VERY FAR FROM ‘YOU, ABNER. ‘AND ANY, MAN, WOMAN OR CHILD HELPING THERE WILL, (BE A PRICE. AND IT WILL. Y Ge PAID. TELL Me OF THIS MAN. HiS NAME. ALL YOU. BBs) KNOW OF HIM. Fie WILL DIE A SCREAMING AND HIS FORTRESS OF ALLIES WILL BURN. ‘MIND YouR TONE. ‘OU, ABNER, HOw Mar CRAZY WHITE DEALS T SUST NEED You. TO DRAW THEM OUT ABNER'S 4 PROBLEM. TLL MAKE THAT PROBLEM Go AWAY. YOU WANT ME TO VIOLATE. THE’ CONSTITUTION AND START A Sloop Feu rom vou WITH THE FIND Goys You TeUsT. TAKE SOMETHING ABNER CARES ABOUT AND PUT IT’ WHERE T TELL YOU, TILL TELL ABNER He HAS To Come AND GET IT. PERSONALLY. HE WON'T LEAVE ALIVE. Me wise NOR You WANT ME TO OWE YOU. SOMETHING? FINE. T Do. T’M PROTECTING YOUR SOCIOPATHIC DAUGHTER. SOMEONE WHO TRIED To KILL PEOPLE T CARE ABOUT. REMEMBER THAT. 1S THAT A THREAT? YOU'RE TAKING RISKS, CAURA. T'DON'T KNOW WHAT ABNER HAS DONE TO You, BUT IT DOESN'T MATTER, YOU'RE IN EDEN. He's NOT ~~ IVS A STATEMENT OF FACT WYOMING Far ROTECTS EDEN. EDE \ 4 2 2 (G « A "Mie END BASTARDS. LIVE. ne ME ONE TIME. BET MAN Z KNOW YO CAN Be. bike THE, UL YOU KNOW T DON'T BELIEVE IN MONSTERS. AGENT OF MINE. NOT REALLY ‘MINE. NEW TO ME. HE'S BEEN DIGGING INTO EDEN. geemee’s HIS NAME, WAR HERO. LOOKS LiKE A POSTER Boy BUT’ THERE'S SOMETHING UNDER IT WHERE HE WENT. HE migHT Be TRYING TO FIND ISAAC. WHY ARE you TALKING TO ME ABOUT THIS, ‘TON? XI FORMIDABLE, BUT PASS MEANT THE PERSIANS WOULD HAVE To FIGHT ALONG A NARROW PATH. THEY ALSO HAD THE ADVANTAGE OF TOPOGRAPHY. I peer cee THERMOPYLAE, ‘OVER ONE, Mi A ite \ ue ey ‘ DO AOD OG z “THEIR STRENGTH OF THEIR NUMBERS COULD BE NULLIFIED. ‘SOMEWHAT. ~~ “KING LEONIDAS, THE LEADEI2 OF THE SPARTANS, | UNDERSTOOD THE TACTICAL ADVANTAGE. THE WEAK BECAME MORE THAN THEI NUMBERS. POWE LEONIDAS’ MIND. HIS STRATEGY. “THE SPARTANS HELD GACK THE PERSIANS. BYERY TIME A MAN HAS SAID He WANTS TO PROTECT Me, THAT MEANT HE WANTED TO CONTROL ME. 0 BE CONTINUED... MAIL CAL HEY THERE, POSTAL FANS! ‘Thanks so much for picking up this issue of Postal. It means so much to all of us here at Top Cow, and, as always, we ask that if you enjoyed this issue, please recommend it to your friends and put in on your pull list at your local comic shop! We love making this book, and we hope you love reading it, and we hope to keep putting it out for many issues to come! If you've been following this book since issue #1, you know that writer Bryan Hill can be a pretty insightful guy — it’s safe to say that we're fans of his. If you want more of that insight, you can actually read Bryan in conversation with some other smart comic book people, and read interviews and op-eds conducted by him at — there’s one up there now with Jonathan Hickman and another with Greg Pak that’ll knock your socks off. But we know that comics is what you care about, which is why we want you to check out Romulus — Bryan Hill and Nelson Blake II’s new creator-owned series, coming this October from Top Cow. Dig on this solicit text, and check out some art below: “Our world isn’t free. All of us, for generations, have lived under the secret control of The Ancient Order of Romulus. One young woman, raised by them, trained by them, betrayed by them, must push through her fear to take a stand against the silent evil that masters our world. Her name is Ashlar, and her war begins with the brutal first chapter of the new Image series ROMULUS, from writer BRYAN HILL (POSTAL) and artist NELSON BLAKE T(MAGD) Pretty cool, right? But why should we leave you hanging with just one art preview? Flip the page and read a quick preview of Eden’s Fall #1, the first of a three-issue miniseries taking place in Eden, and featuring characters from this book — along with a few friends from Think Tank and The Tithe. I's in stores now, and co-written by Bryan Hill and Matt Hawkins — check it out! Have something to say about the new arc? We'd love to hear from you! Send your letters for the Postal team to (and if you want, mark them “Okay to Print,” and we'll put them here for all to see)! Who knows, Postmaster Mark might even take a look at it himself. 'T NEED You, JO NOT TALK, TMNOT TRYING To Have THE LAST Wor, ‘SAM. sur IFT Hea Your Voice TWON'T Be ABLE To Get THROUGH WHAT I HAVE: ‘TO SAY. ARUN ie, ce YOU KNOW WHAT ‘THE ONE DWAYNE S seve sec AT se, wre Sane gee Aang ON Wate LU (F) tHat wars For us. “LOOK. T°M AN ASSHOLE ‘AND i Do ASSHOLE THINGS. BUT T-- YOU WALKING ON WATER a, ea IT's THE ONE WE ‘AND I’M WAITING We eae » Pa HAVE RIGHT HERE. REMEMBER TO DROWN ME. ‘AND BEFORE T Bs fF AW Ae THEN You KNoW You SHOULD 5 He's Gone. ‘YOU CAN EAT APTER dim Done WITH YOU. oe "...Hooked me from page one...don't miss this tour-de-force..." - Greg Pak Totally Awesomé Hulk, Kingsway West BRYAN GILL NELSON BLAKE tl OCVKOBER 2OIG OM cocci. tcond 5) tampon nmi ip Cotati erent egse cages vga, RATED M / MATURE

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