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Transaction explanations at OBYC

Filiz Gokdeniz Ozkilinc 9 posts since Jul 27, 2006

Transaction explanations at OBYC Feb 5, 2007 9:02 AM
Dear gurus,
Is there a document explaining transactions such as AUM, BSX, GBB and their relations with movement types
at OBYC?
Thanks in advance.

Biswajit Mishra 1,106 posts since Oct 31, 2006

Re: Transaction explanations at OBYC Feb 5, 2007 9:18 AM
You will get the Doc from SAP Help.
That is the Best Doc Available.


Biswajit Mishra 1,106 posts since Oct 31, 2006

Re: Transaction explanations at OBYC Feb 5, 2007 9:18 AM
You will get the Doc from SAP Help.
That is the Best Doc Available.


Filiz Gokdeniz Ozkilinc 9 posts since Jul 27, 2006

Re: Transaction explanations at OBYC Feb 5, 2007 9:37 AM
Thank u.. i found a really good explanation.

khoo boon keong 1 posts since Feb 14, 2007

Re: Transaction explanations at OBYC Feb 14, 2007 4:35 AM

Generated by Jive on 2015-10-19+02:00


Transaction explanations at OBYC

Can i get a copy the explanation at OBYC

Ashish Vats 151 posts since Sep 16, 2006

Re: Transaction explanations at OBYC Feb 14, 2007 5:49 AM
Hi Filiz,
AUM- is transaction key which is used for Freight for stock transfer you have to assigen Freight a/c to AUM
transaction key in OBYC
BSX- is transaction key used for posting Stock A/C with the Account assignement category " Standard."
GBB- is used for Account Grouping for Example in case of Goods issue to Consumption using mvt type 201
one a/c will be BSX and the other A/c Consumption A/c in FI Entry here Consumption A/c is Off set A/c which
is determined by Value and Qty String these strings which liked to mvt type and further mvt types are linked to
Transactions Keys.
all off sets accounts are defined in GBB based on the type of inventroy management transaction which are
fixed pls see the following fixed transactions of inventory management
1.GR and return GR
2.GI to Cost centre,Project,Order etc
3.Price revalauation.
4.PI Diffrence Posting
5.Free Delivery etc. these transactions required Offset Account which determined thru GBB in OBYC

hope you have got the idea.

Reward point for thanks

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