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1984 Chapter 7 Questions

1. The hope must lie with the Proles because they generate the
force needed to overcome the Party.
2. The Proles are different from the Party members because they
are poorer and yet they have more freedom. It is important to
the Party for them to stay poor because, based on Masclows
Hierarchy of needs, if the Proles have to worry about just feeding
themselves then they wont be able to think about political
3. The Party represents capitalists as condescending rich people
who treated all of the other citizens with no respect.
4. Hb
5. The Chestnut Tree Caf is a coffee shop in the Prole village where
people would discuss their ideas about society.
6. The photograph that Winston finds is proof of what actually
happened with the men and that Big Brother and the Party made
up the truth.
7. Winston covers the photograph with another piece of paper and
hides it.
8. Winston looks up to OBrian and is writing the diary for OBrian.
9. In the end the Party would announce that two and two made
five, and you would have to believe it.

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