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i-jome > VeggeltEe Re;pes

Vegetable Juice Recipes
we know how much you rove your juicer, so we've put together
recipes Make sure you check out ci* ottreirecipes a rist of some veg€
and pass rno ion'i u" afraid to marke ut
along your suggestrons to us.


5 Vegqie Juice rden Iorric;

pple Carrot Juice
ot Pepper Juice Stontail: Sc,r;
Carrot Anise Juice lncredible Juice
arrot, 9elery, Cabbage Combo #i eapple Carrot .Jult;e Sweet C;r.rol
Carrot, Celery, Cabbage Combo #
Swiss (l1r:,rrr'J
Carrot Combination Relaxation Juice -l
as:y 3;i:i;,.r
i,rrot Glow Renewal Juice
rrot Grass esrstance Jurce
Carrot Parsley Jurce
Carrot Strawberry Juice
olorful Carrot Jriice y Tonrato Juica

5 Veggie Juice

o 4 medium potatoes
o 4 medium carrots
o 1 stalk of broccoli
o 6 brussel sprouts
r I cucumber
wash all of the vegetables and cut into section,s-
Juiue the rest of the insredients togetilei. Juice the potatoes with their skin on
and set aside. Juice .re carrr
iomurne ,ri"i ti;;;;;!, stir ano enjoyl
-1o 'l

applg $artot JHi_c_e


e 2 apples
r 6 carrots

wash everything, peel the carrots anc cut

into sections where needed. Jurce everything.

vbw lsere r srut, I\gulPgS
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To Top

Carrot Anise Juice

o 8 carrots
o 2 anise stalks
o 3-4 celery stalks
o 2 apples
Wash and peel the carrots. Wash everything
else, .nO .rt up into sections if needed Juice everything
and enjoy
i i; l'op

Ca rrot, Ce te ry,.Q"?!he qq"qo_glg r

o 3-4 Carrots
o '1-2 Celery stalks
o smallwedge cabbage
Wash all vegetabJes and juice.

C-ar1ot, Cefery, Cg,p-p,age Combo #2

o 2 carrots
r 2 cucumbers
o 2 stalks of celery
o a piece of ginger
o a handful of parsley
o a piece of apple or citrus fruit
Wash all vegetables and juice.

'i-r) -I.Ol)

Caryo! Combination

a 1/2 lbs. carrots

a beet wiih greens
a staik celery
a large handful spinach
a large handful parsley
.i Ereen pepper
a clove garlic
a slice ginger

wash and peel carrots clean and slice beet

into thin wedges wash anci dry spinach
andbeet Adclremainingingt"Ji"nt.t.itg;h-*rriring-.";ot,Lpr.nthemthrough.compretebyiuicingcarrotr
reaves and parsrey, Juice ha

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Page 3 of9

Carrot Glow

. 4 carrol,s
. 1 beet with greens
o 5 - 6 leaves of Romaine or other leaf lettuce
o 3 - 4leaves of spinach

Wash and peel the carrots. Clean and cut beet into sections, and wash &
dry lettuce and spinach leaves. Juir:e ha
and the beet, then use the remaining carrots to help push the lettuce ana
splnach inr.rgn juicer.

Carlo! Gfass

o 3 carrots
o 2-3 inch round of wheatgrass

wash and peel the carrots, then juice with the wheatgrass. You can add %cup of water if it is too strong.

::..: li;p

Carrot Parsley Juice

r 3 carrots
o 50 g (2 oz) parsley

Peel the carrots and wash the parsley, then juice.

:, , i'i)p

Carrot Strawberry Ju!ce

o 4-6 Carrots
r 6 Strawberries

\tVash and peel the carrots. Wash the strawberries Alternate

the carrots and strawberries through the juicer


"""''" Carrot Juice
i "' "

.- o l smallbeet
c .l pea;.
r 1 apple
o small piece of ginger"
r 2 inches salsify root
o 4 celery stalks
o 10-12 carrots
r 1 enrall nercnin
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Wash everything and cut into smaller sections

Juice and be surprised at the wonderfur
corors before you mix it



o Handful of spinach
o 3 stalks of celery
o 2 stalks of aspa:agus
o 1 large tomato
1 cherry tomato (garnish)

Bunch up the spinach and juice with the celery the set
aside. Juice the asparagus with the tomato. Combine
and garnish with the cherry tomato the tw

c Tr:p

o 1 large carrot
o 1 sweet apple
o 1 tomato
o 7z cucumber
t /, bell pepper
o 1 stalk celery
r l zucchini
o 2or 3pepperoncinis
Juice the carroi, apple and tomato together and set
aside. Next juice the cucumber, bell pepper,
Combine the tw-o mixtures, stir and diink immediately. celery, zucchini ar

I ' :, i'i: it

lncrg_dip-[e Jsiss
o .1 cucurnber
o 1 small beet
o lz rhubarb stalk
o 1 apple
o 1 pear
e 8 carrots
r 1 small purple top turnip
' ,,5 gelerY stalks
Wash, peel and cut into sections where needed. Juice
everything separately and combine


Pineannlc Carrnf .lrriea

t- p.,'/rrn4r6. ,..
r- --..iLlr:l
r!::- --:
o 3-4 large carrots
r 4-6 rounds of pineapple

Wash and peel the carrots. put the carrots

through the juicer first, and then the pineapple.
Serve over icd

[o lop

o 3 carrots
o 1/2 cucumber
' c 1/2 beet with the greens

Wash everything. Cut the cucumber into quarters

and strips. Cut the beet into sections
Process it ail in your juicer

I ,.";

Relaxation Juice
o 4 carrots
o 1/2 cucumber

Wash everything, cut into seciions, and process

in your juicer.

i ,; l'c;p

Renewal Juice
r 8 large carrots
r 1/2 large beet
o 112 turnip
r 1/2 parsnip
o 5 celery stalks
o 114 rulabaga
r 1/8 head red cabbage.
o 5 radishes
o 1 large apple
o 1 cup cranberries
Wash everything, peelwhere needed and cut
into sections where needed. Juice
together in your juicer, mix and

1 r; -[op

Resigtal,cg :LyiSe

o 6 carrots
o 2 stalks of celery
o Handfr tl nf narslcv

ii ;)..r,/rr;r.,;11 'r, i ^ ^ : :^n.Llejlicerecipes.hrml
egetabte Jutce Keclpes
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o 2 cloves of garlic

Wash everything and cut the carrots and celery

into sect,ions Begin juicing with the garlic
and then juice everyth in1
i :: r>yt

Savory IVt[x

r 3-4 carrots
o 1 stalk celery
o 112 eup chopped parsley
o 1/2 cup chopped spinach, packed
Wash everything, peel the carrots and dry the leafy greens
Juice together in the order given

l ri l-op

s i mp!y=.e_r:9_e n : __
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r 2 stalks of celery
o 4 large spinach leaves
r t half cup parsley
o 2-3 inch round of wheaigrass
Wash greens thoroughly, cut up celery and
luice You can dilute this juice with /o cup of water if it,s too strong

it lap
Spicy Tomat_o'luige
r 6 tomatoes
o 1 cup beet leaves, chopped
e 1 slice lemon
Cut the tomatoes up into sections and juice everything
in the crder given in the ingredient

I r: Toir

Spinach Surprlse
r ; 5 c'arrots
o 6 spinach leaves
"o 4 lettuce leaves
c 1/4 turnip
o 4 sprigs of parsley
Wash everything, peel the carrots, cut into sections
where needed, and juice.

,- ;tablel uicerecipes.htlnl
eg.etable J urce Recipes
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I l.i I'r:p


c yz head cabbage
r 1 beet (with greens)
o 2 large kiwis

wash the cabbage and beet and then cut

everything into sections that can fit in your juice,
Juice together.

I l;

Strong Carrot Juice i

r 1 beet with greens

o 1 stalk celery
o 'l large handful spinach
r 1 large handful parsley
o .a green pepper
r 1 clove garlic
r 1 slice ginger
e 2 lz pounds carrots

wash and peel carrots' wash and cut beets into

sections, and wash,&.cry.p.arsrey and
the beet, then use the remaining carrots-to herp push spinach reaves. Juice harf
trr" r"it tnr"ugh the juicer. c

r'l i r:p

Sweet Caf_rol Juigg

o 5 Carrots
o 1 ,{pple
o 112 Beet

Wash fruit and vegetabres. cut the apore

and beet into sections and juice everything

1-o Top

Swiss Chard Cele{y Jgige

r 4 carrots
r,2 apples
o t/, cucumber
_o 1 stalk celery
o 1 small bunch Swiss chard

Separately juice the carrots, apples,

cucumber, celery and swiss chard. once you,re
drink immediately. done juicing, combine a, of tr

: gi:ia l_,1ej uicerecipe s. h tnr I
rgctaDlc Julcs Kcclpcs
Page 8 ol9

| :.t t.syt

Tasty Cabbage Juice

o 3 medium carrots
c % heard of cabbage
o 1 stalk of celery
o 5 pitted cherries

ser aside Juice the cab,c5

'lc I op

Tasty G_19_en Jgtgg*

o 2 green apples
o 4 stalks celery
o 8 stalks bok choy
c ln pound spinach
o 1 bunch parsley
Wash everything and cut into sections where needed Juice
the apples and set aside. Juice everything
with the apple juice when done. Stir and enjoy else togethCv^

Tr; Top

Tomalo Cguntly
o 4 ripe tomatoes
o 1 cup green lettuce, pacied
cut the tomatoes up into sections and juice everything
in the order given in the ingredient list.


Tomato Haven
o 6 carrots
o 2 tomatoes
o 1 stalk celery
cut the tomatoes up into sections and juice everything
in the order given in the rngredient Iist

1-o Top

Vegsie Qellght

! ,11 n. i/1r,,.",.ryr
.,'rlvegetablciu ii.r ccipes. hlni !
letaole Jutce Keclpes
Pagc 9 of'9

a 2 large carrots
a 3 stalks celery
a 112 cup parsley
o 4large spinacr leaves
a 1ta -^^.
a " 2:-= a'a ra sprouts

3:; es t:croughly and cut into sections where

needed, Juice everything and enjoyl

cve to hear your suggestions for recipes, so

feer free to emair y3 with your favorite juicing
all of these great sounding juices then with recipes. There is r
one of our hrgh quality t*i" geurl.,icu,st

Bcti-r JUrCers are excellent for

lLticing carrots aicng r",riih cther rregetabies fruits
lrrr Jt i'r:ve r diet ano nutrition and
orderrnq orrc: of otrr qualttv twin eOl

p(ivilcy 1)lt<:l
Th;s sire is intended for vour ornerar I t. eSat D,sr;la.rler i c{rliirct I site i\riitl,
rr"*rJig"'i"iv l.'""',t" ."oau,ute for crinrcar rrearnrenr rnfor,)rarrorl
""o 'o',r",",..
medicar advice. Kitchen's-Besilt,lunrr".i*in jcio-ro"rii
indirecuy from rhe use or apprication-oi iLo,ri,;;;;.;;; cirrecl,y o,
intJrr"jion"pro",ouo "ny i"L"no{,.""ii,',ir.i il',i
c,ick here i,r,
Copyright @ 2006 Kitchen,s Best Manufacturjng
croup Ltd. All flghts
@ Regisrered rradernar\/rrr t'aoer:rarrr
;i Kri;;;;. Desr Mcnufacrurrng reservec
crou:, Lr(r
All tiademarl..s are odneo bv tneir iesoectrve
comt)ar)res L]



with vegetables in fresh sampalok /bayabas/calamansi

-ginig6ng shanghai with carrots, singkamas, kintsay
--home-made skinless longganiza lukban ( choiced grounded mealgarlic,
pepper,vinegar, soy sauce, rock sea salt, dash of muscuvado.Molded
with cornstarch then fried in Virgin coconut oil or vco
home-made hamburger (choiced grounded meat, salt, pepper, garlic,
-- onion
fried in VCO)
--- ka ldereta/apritada
-- butilo/nilaga
---- meat with black beans ( choiced mea! soy sauce, black beans,
rock salt,

--- Fried Meat bails (choiced -rjil::j;i$:;,ffiic, onions, btack pepper

molded with cornstarch fried in VCO)
--- Meat balls with misua, patola and carrots(optional)
--- Sisig (grounded or shredded grilled meat/ shredded grilled or steamed
bangus cooked in butter with ginger, raw onions, salt, pepper,
panigang for several minutes . Dashed with calamrnril '
--- Pindang {carabao/goat thin sliced with rock salt dried thru
a strainer or
under the sun for several hours then fried)
----- meat sautded with soy sauce and onion
----- Kare-kare with assorted vegetables
--- Ginataan with vegetables
----Kalangkang or Sinampalukang manok (Boil the chicken with water, sampatok
fruit/leaves, rock salt, ginger, pepper,whole native-tagalog
onion and tanglad)


Spanish sardines: Boil the fish (tawilis/bangus/tamban) with rock salt, water,
pickles, black pepper, laurel leaves in low fire for several hours until the fish
bone is soft or can be eaten . Once cooked put the carrots, extra virgin olive oil
and chilli (optional).
Tomato sardinqs: Boil the fish with water, fresh tomatoes (1kilo) or tomato
sauce, onions, rock salt and laurel leaves.

Grated squash and kamote with salt, beated egg and cornstarch fried in VCO

Sauteed chicken or beef /carabao/goatwith garlic and onion,pepper,rock salt
and small amount of tomato sauce . Put semi-cooked veges (cabbage,
beans,potatoes) and fried saba.

-Sweet and Sour
-Sauteed in black beans
-Sinaing sa kamatislkamias with garlic and onions
-Sinaing na binalot dahon ng saging with dried kamias and salt, water.Simmer
until cooked
-Fish filletfr egg and cornstarch-fried


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