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Austin Maloco
Jennifer Rodrick
Queer Studies 115
11 September, 2016
Exercise 2

Around the year 2006 Dos Equis, a beer company, released advertisements on their
products. One of these commercials would star a man who was portrayed as the most interesting

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man in the world. The advertisement would have a narrator list the mans most outrageous
achievements and accomplishments, afterwards the interesting man would state I dont always
drink beer but when I do. I prefer Dos Equis. During the following years this commercial
would become one of the internets most recognised memes.
In one variation of this meme, the most interesting man would instead say, I dont
always suck at gaming but when I do... I blame the lag, controller, weather, couch, cat, screen,
dog, light, game(Weknowmemes). Overall memes rely on the observer's recognition and
experiences in order for the main idea to be understood. Primarily this variation of the meme is
targeted towards individuals who have played video games.
The average online gamer may encounter other individuals who, regardless of their
abilities and merit, would blame others for their shortcomings, these people are sometimes
referred to a elitists. Gamers would normally be annoyed by elitists in several ways. Elitists
would boast about their achievements and victories when given the chance but when when these
individuals lack the ability to complete challenges and goals they would generally blame
environmental factors such as team members or even the game itself. Elitists are vocal about
their opinions, they would use any medium of communication in games in order to express their
complaints. Some elitists would even go to the point of bullying individuals who they think are
either too weak or lack the skills in order to complete a game. As many gamers who would be
annoyed by elitists, this meme would most definitely connect with gamers on an emotional level.
In the internet memes are recognised by several factors. Overall popularity, whether or
not an individual can identify to this meme and the culture it represents, and many other obscure
factors. For this meme in particular problem arises when the individual has no knowledge of
gaming or gaming culture, and may not understand or misinterpret the meaning behind this

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specific meme. Since this idea is generated by meme based internet culture credibility may come
into question as well. Since memes are an amalgamation of preexisting images, texts, and ideas;
giving credit to one a group or individual may be difficult or even impossible. Overall whether
an individual is able to understand a memes idea, relies heavily on the observer's perspective.

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Works Cited
I Dont Always Suck At Gaming But When I Do. Digital image. WeKnowMemes. N.p., 4
June 2012. Web. 11 Sept. 2016.

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