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The Victorian age was a period in which the authors Charles Dickens and William

Wordsworth were interested in writing for and about the common men due to the
influence of the events of this period. One event was the French revolution, whose
principles were the liberty and theory of equality; the equality created a uniform and
integral judicial system for an equal society. These principles are reflected in
preluded for example: Her natural sanctuaries with a local soul of independence
and stern liberty. Another event in the 19 th century was the Industrial Revolution; in
this age, the city had great poverty, and many children and adult had to work very
long hours in very bad condition. Dickens wanted to show the reality of that period
on his book great expectations in the example: London was crowded with
hundred of people and it streets were very dirty. Both authors treat in their Works
about the real life of different social classes and special in lower society problems,
so speech of the common man is important ; and, Wordsworth treats to teach
readers how to love nature and the rights of man. For example, in Great
expectation Dickens says By the time Mr. Jaggers comes back several poorlydressed people were waiting for him; and Wordsworth says in the poem rainbow
my heart leaps up when I behold a rainbow in the sky. However, it should be
consider also, the language evolution in this age; for example, what changes
happen in Dickens and Wordsworth literature. In the case of Wordsworth, he still
maintains the use of doth and the ending of verbs in past d in the prelude; for
example: Doth lock my functions up in the blank reserve (page 18- line 249) to
vacant musing, unreprovd neglect (page 18-line 256)
In conclusion, the Victorian age was a period, in which the authors Charles
Dickens and William Wordsworth were influenced by events; in this way, they were
interested in writing for and about the common man; but with some language

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