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Primary education is critical in the development of children and their communities.

Not only does education develop important intellectual and social skills, education
breaks down socioeconomic barriers and creates opportunities for children who
would otherwise lack them. Today, 57 million children are not enrolled in school due
to poverty, lack of teachers and classrooms, as well as other obstacles. We work
towards achieving universal primary education. One child at a time.
Why Childrens Education
The primary objective of childrens education is to give children all of the necessary
tools to reach their highest potential. Considerable progress in childrens education
has been achieved since 2000, in fact, the number of out-of-school children has
been cut in half! Even still, 57 million children of primary school age are out of
school. This means that in the developing world 1 in 10 primary aged children are
not enrolled in school.
Universal enrollment in primary education (97 percent) has nearly been achieved in
all areas except Sub-Saharan Africa. The challenges that face childrens education in
this region are daunting. Some of these challenges include rapid growth of primary
school aged children, armed conflict, and natural disasters. In countries undergoing
armed conflict, the proportion of out of school children has increased from 30
percent to 36 percent in 2012. For example, in Western Asia the ongoing conflict in
Syria has had a devastating impact on childrens education
Out Impact
At One Day's Wages we know that educating the children of the world is an
invaluable to fight extreme global poverty. In an effort to close the disparity gap in
education we work on projects that dismantle barriers keeping children from
attending school. For example, our project in Thailand provided transportation for
over 200 children to get to school. Our projects aim to provide the supplies and
structures that allow for children to thrive in the classroom and receive the
opportunity of education they deserve. We understand that quality of education is
equally important to access to education. Therefore, our projects emphasize
providing children living in poverty or rural areas the same opportunity to education
as everyone else.

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