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so-o10-S¢ odd s2 s2-075010 | AR. +00 cae 8 HET Record a TE OTe orrsetal Records County of Sro0am 30-Apr-82} CHIC «WO ‘ecoRDCD AT Tus REGUEST OF GC TLE COT Whon Recorded Mail to: Hountaing Recreation and Conservation Authority 07" south Broadway, Room 711? Los Angeles, ch $0012, Attention: Ann Rushton SsL-383 Deer Creek Ranch STATE OF CALIFORNIA (qurTeLaT™ DEED Pursuant to Section 33203 of the Public Resources Code of the State of California, ‘the STATE OF CALIFORNIA, through (ts duly appointed. qual ified and acting Oirector OF General Services, hereby quitclains to the MOUNTAINS RECREATION AND CONSERVATION AUTWORITY, & public’ agency created pursuant to the provision of Section 6500 et. seq. ‘OF the Government Code of the State of California, sI1 {ts right, Lite and interest fn and tothe folvovng described real property th the County of Los Angetes, state The lard referred to in this policy is situated in the County of Ventura, State of California, and 1s described 85 follows? Section 16, Township 1 south, Range 20 West, San Bernardine Meridian, in the County of Ventura, State of California, as per the Official Map thereof. EXCEPT the North Half of the Northeast Quarter thereof. [ALSO EXCEPT the Southeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of said Section 16. ALSO EXCEPT the North Malf of the Northeast Quarter of the Northeast (uarter of {the Southeast Quarter of said Sectfon 16. ALSO EXCEPT that portion lying westerly of the centerline of Deer Creek Road, Sy described ig the'beed wo Ventura Cotinty, recorded tn Book 2425 Page 127 of ALSO EXCEPT that portion lying northerly of the southerly and southeasterly Vine of Pacific View Road. as dascribed in the Deed to Ventura County, recorded ‘in Book 353 Page 64 of Official Records. [ALSO EXCEPT one-half of a1} of1, gas, csinghead gasoline, asphalt, hydrocarbons for minerals of any nature known'or unknown in or under oF which way be produced from the above dezcribed real property, as reserved by Aden Knight Hampton and ‘Andrea Kotght Rell, {a Deed recorded March 1, 1960, af Document No. 8723,. tn Book 1836 Page 196" of ofFicial Records Page 1 of 2 ‘This conveyance 4s made subject to the following condition subsequent: The Grantee shall operate and maintain the property for park, recreation and resource preservation purposes In the event the Grantee falls te 20 operate and maintain the property. the Grantor's remedy shall be limited te suit for declaratory judgement that a breach of ‘This condition subsequent has taken place and to retake possession and reacquire the property. In the event that the Grantee transfers the property to the United States of Anerica {0 be operated and eaintained in accordance with the Rational Park Service Organic Det of 1916 (16 USC 1 et seq.), and the National Parks and Recreation Act of 1978 (92 STAT 3467), the condition subsequent created by this deed shall terminate.’ IN MITHESS WHEREOE, the State has caused this Quitclaim Deed to be executs ants Mth gay er = december "y 19ats STATE OF CALIFORNIA = ‘DEPARTMENT OF GENERAL SERVICES ‘ON LOCKwOdO, ‘DIRECTOR Chief, Office of and’ Design Services > d Page 2 of 2 ayes [STATEOF CALIFORNIA } ccounry or — SACRAMENTO _ this 18th. day of __Decesber ah the undersigned, « Notary Public in Eee ror ea ain aly jaers obec pond toe o8 [err ‘Te bis of muta cas woe penn eho eee Gara al" Departaent of Conersl Services, Office of Real tts ‘rite Ste of Caf and ntrowedpd ro me ua he 9.8. ear cay [NOTARY PUBLIC IN AD FOR THE S¢ATE OF CALIFORNIA WETNESS my band and of ‘When Recorded Mail To: MouitinsReretton ad Conservation Astorty 3730 Soltis Canyon Road Mabbo,Caforaia 50255 (CERTIFICATE OF ACCEPTANCE “This iso cert that the Moostaas Recreation and Conservation Autry, public enti, hereby accept the intrest in real property being conveyed by tha attached Quit Deed exeoted ty the State ‘ot chorion December 18 151 “This acceptances peru! 12 resoation ofthe Mosstsas Recreation nd Conservation Author sdopted on November 6 1991 andthe Mounals Recreation and Conservation Author coscas 1 ‘ctrdtion ofthe tached Quicain Deed and this Crile ol Amrpanee Datos: 3/0/45 STATE OF CALIFORNIA ‘COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES > ) } Cr £195, before me,» Notary Publi fot said State personaly appeared Beads ay OCIRE tary to be the person wo (OrARY

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