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The Great Andamanese People

The great andamanese live on the Andaman islands. They have a dark
complexion, woolly short hair, on an average weigh 96lb and are 4 feet high.
Previously, they had been divided into 10 main groups; each group varying from
each other in terms of language, culture and clothing. They were estimates of their
population ranging from 2,000 to 6,000; however due to problems like
uncontrollable diseases, alcohol and colonial warfare those estimates came down to

52, including 3 full bloods.

Recent research indicates that they are closely related to the South African
Khoisan. Currently, the Andaman and Nicobar administration have settled these
people to a small island names Strait Island.

The Great Andamanese are known to be non-vegetarian. Their staple diet

consists of fish, pig, crab, dugong, shellfish, turtle egg and tubers.

Women generally wear sarong, also called lungi, and blouses. They might
be wearing sarees or even Salwar-Kamiz. On the other hand, men wear vests,
shirts and lungi. The men also wear belts made of bark fiber, decorated with small
shells. The andamanese traditionally paint their face in a Zig-zag fashion.

Religion of Andamanese is animistic (i.e. they believe in non-human things
having supernatural powers). They believe in mythical creatures like Biliku, Tarai,
Puluga etc. and believe that it is their anger that causes natural catastrophes like
rain and thunder. They believed that Puluga (god) sent Earths first man, named
Tomo and that he was introduced to a garden where he ate a fruit despite being told
not to.

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