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DECEMBER 3, 2012
1. Eyelids __parpados_
2. 2. Eyelashes pestaas
3. Forearm __antebrazo_
4. Groin ___ingle____
5. thigh __muslo___
6. Calf __pantorilla____
7. liver __hgado____
8. Bladder __vejiga_______
9. spleen ___bazo___
10. Joint __articulacin___
11. abortion (miscarriage) ___mal parto__
12. Acute ____agudo______
13. muscle __musculo______
14. Abortion (induced) ____aborto_____
15. abrasion ____abrasin_____
16. Arch of the foot _el arco_____
17. back brace _____faja_______
18. Balance ____equilibrio____
19. bandage _____curita______
20. Ankle bone __taba______
21. bile ___hiel_________
22. To faint ______desmayar(se)_________
23. insect bite _____piquete___
24. A bite ____mordida__________
25. black and blue ____morado_____
26. Blood test __anlisis de sangre________

NAME: Rocio Pastor____

27. to blow _soplar_____

28. Blurred vision ___la vista borosa________
29. BM (bowel movement) ____defecacin____
30. Breath _respirar_________
31. build ___figura____
32. Buzzing _zumbido______
33. bursa __bolsa_____
34. To blow ones nose _sonarse la nariz_____
35. bone marrow ___medula seo___
36. To hold ones breath __sostener la respiracin_____
37. to buckle (ones knee) _aflojarse__
38. Burning pain __ardo__
39. cancerous tissue ___tejido canceroso___
40. Carbon dioxide ____dioxdo de carbono___
41. carpal tunnel syndrome ___sndrome de tnel carpiano___
42. to be in a cast ___estar enyesado____
43. Cerebral hemorrhage _hemoragia cerebral_
44. chills ___escalofrios_____
45. Blood clot ___coagulo___
46. cane ___bastn____
47. Cardiac output ___gasto cardiaco____
48. cartilage __cartilago___
49. Chart ___el expediente____



50. To chew ____masticar____

51. To choke ____ahogarse______
52. codeine _____codeina____
53. Color blind ___daltnico______
54. to come to ___volver en s____

DEC. 3, 2012

55. Constipated ___estreido______

56. crack (noise made by joint) __trueno_________
57. crippled _____tullido__________
58. Crotch __ingle__________
59. complaint _queja_____
60. Stuffy nose ___narices constipadas________
61. to cough up _____arrogar__
62. Cramp _____calambre_________________
63. crooked __chueco_____
64. Counteract _contraarestar________
65. CT scan __tomografa __computarizada__
66. Stool culture __hemocultura__
67. D & C ____dilatacin_y legrado____
68. Deaf ____sordo___________
69. despondent ___desanimado_____
70. Disability _incapacidad_____
71. crutch _muleta____
72. Urine culture __urocultivo_______
73. to cut down on _desminuir___
74. Deaf mute __sordomudo____
75. deceased __difunto_____
76. Slipped disc ____disco zafado_____
77. to discharge (from hospital, etc.) ____dar de alta__________
78. dizziness ___mareos_____
79. DNA __ADN acido desoxirribonucleico_______
80. drug dependency ___farmacodependencia___
81. Effacement of cervix ____borramiento del cuello___
82. ejection fraction _fraccin de expulsin____
83. a discharge ___secrecin______

84. Disorder _trastorno_____

85. syringe ___jeringa______
86. Dosage _dosis___
87. Dull pain ___dolor sordo_______
88. ear scope ___otoscopio_____
89. Entry wound __orificio de entrada____
90. polyps ___plipos______

[ ] + 10 for attending meeting

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