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Quiz 3

(question 1 & 3 are of 0.5 point each, question 2 is of 1 point)

1. Electric force between two charges Q1 and Q2 in vacuum separated by a

distance 'r', is given by Coulomb's law:

where o permittivity of free space.

Use the above equation to find the units of o. (Show your working)
2. An ideal monoatomic gas is compressed from same initial state (same Pi, Vi,
Ti) to a final state with same final volume (same Vf) in two different cases: (a)
adiabatically and (b) isothermally.
i. Which case has lower final pressure (Pf)?
ii. Which case has higher final temperature (Tf)?
iii. Which case requires more work to be done on the gas?
(hint: try to draw an approximate P-V curve for both cases)

3. Typically for gases (single choice correct):

i. Cv > Cp
ii. Cv Cp
iii. Cv < Cp
iv. It depends on the gas, these are empirically determined quantities

Imp. Note: Before handing over the paper ensure that you write your name. I will
not grade papers with no names and give zero points.

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