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OFFICIAL NOTICE OF RETORT AND STATEMENT OF FACTS. auaue he mt) fom the STATE OF CALIFORNIA FRANCHISE TAX BOARD addr to éeuoretonsravinan dunn corporation transiting uly: SHERROD, CARLTON BOTMaone sr Accepted fr Honor Vale 8 Comideratn by Seared ary Cred In acoso Due CouniPivate Banke enol; [Amr Sanaa ED IOTM, “The fro explanation af the UNIFORM COMMERCIAL CODE (UCC) on otter ere Incading lf gud eared trannies nd NEGOTIABLE INSTRUMENTS! Pi an end on pe 165 th Highs Eon of Black's Lay Ditonary. Why ttt your explanation fat ‘onto mento, the sion o vege struments? Tis eause when presenten fom he FRANCHISE TAX BOARD seat to debtor SHERROD, CARLTON POT Mote demanding an alle payment (sich a vlan of Plc Law 730) cepted fr Value & Comsdertion by Seca Par (An Samaant HS )]OTM & etred the FRANCHISE TAX BOARD a {he prstment ints neelable instrament an teats a CONTRACT ttwcen Cri, A Stotvanl ENDIOTM and Deblr STATE OF CALIFORNIA FRANCHISE TAX HOARD! 1. Adminstration: The management detect the esate fa INTESTATE DECEDENT, Grafs TESTATOR who has no ear, bya person ply spoil and sapere the ‘oar Page 340 the Eighth Eon of Bc's Law Dictionary. Intestate: One who as ed thon» ral i Pre 4 in he pth Faton of lacks La man ralfihing Tie 188 184, 19977) by noting fl dinure toes sen, {ivi hat win the retain of ahh eit thy have ben an ae eng bore 2 dead tons (ie 286139) 1) through US. GOVERNMENT messre Dives of Gant’ 4. Therfore, UEC § 1-108, 1202 3:5, 3.06, 9.607, 49409 INDEED ate pica to “tas “iinstration” othe STATE OF CALIFORN 44, SHERKOD, CARLTON EET Mtn in wie, Crdirs(Ant-Samavaatl EH9)0TM has 8 ‘Secured Interest & Hu has Commerc tats of WHITE bere i 26 CFR 14712 a8 “tomate” with respect io he “UNITED STATES and saute the geal en nd {jriton ofthe "UNITED STATES Tie 285 002115) 9) ‘5, SHERROD, CARLTON BOT Mos asthe mental fast she physical aby {omnmanicat with yur andl! demands haar H ra Coors Peon created the US ‘GOVERNMENT thats reeated our corner o paper wc why te FID cing ci tote rom he Ling Flesh & Bhd, Sound of Min, Sl Aart, adigea, Asche, Melanie Mo of Cherokee Deets [A Samana NE ]OT ME ‘Sant rad at EVE am ery svar of wha the FRANCHISE TAX BOARD dws inthe STATE OF (CALIFORNIA, however the FACT remains tat CALIBORNIA drs at ex sr ne ar pom Aa “Todd Lado Frogs Aten No Langs othe Went Te FTA 3 operating is FACT tha the "UNITED STATES" nding the STATE OF CALIFORNIA bas ‘nen export tthe male of he Aan Ocean by the Penge & Univeral Pat (General of ths ie as (MISNOMER: UNITED STATES, CANADA, MEXICO, SOUTH AMERICA, CENTRAL AMERICA), /Chetanye-ShabisE9}0TM. See [nunca sole auuntnespordahat 1 OPEN THE LINK AND READ I: Se REP. PAUL KANJORSKI's misono the sbove tated FACT: isola? rgASIA OPEN THE Any notes by [Antanas E8)DTM the STATE OF CALIFORNIA FRANCHISE TAX. [BOARD pat, & present have NEVER been ihjetons” based upon “consittona "eg" 0 moral” grubs soul sate in Your Constaionaly Later and ALWAYS & wipe ‘ned upon COMMERCE & CONTRACT! Wht the Leila has eased apd what thr the {egilature granted FT hs no bearing o Anu DJOTM whats my proper oF ‘Secured Inrests 2, SHERKOD, CARLTON EU TMotie, CARLTON F SHERKODOT Moe oF ty deivadon fie name CARLTON SHERRODET tet. When [Ant Sunawit BTO}OTN Sut Jury & fw would CARLTON SHERRODOTMtne ome wha guid a profesional ‘ran ator when both ate Eagles who have lene tthe QUEEN OF ENGLAND ea [BRITISH CROWS, BRITISH ACCREDITED REGISTRY? ‘Last, tthe CA FT determines ta ransiting ty SHERKOD, CARLTON BETMotme hat 8 {ling elementary SIERROD, CARLTON ECTS ele “ecesiny” tn returs ‘es iasoment dct to r sate in our Constant Leer eae that ‘Su take ery crf loka the CAVEAT set onthe Catt of Cera isons Ipcisten MAIL MRr04s747US signed for and reseed by the STATE OF CALIFORNIA FRANCHISE TAX BOARD seins: conle 38S CERTINIONTE-OF MERCIAL-DISHONOR a TRUE BILLS in Commer lt be send in defense of my Tndgeons Aatchonas Rights Seared Inert) Incl wh hs notin: 2 Indeaton of CrdrI-Faet Secured Interest (UCC Financing Statement) Standard ers 18 {© Constantly Leer NIEORM COMMERCH C By; veg. witht Pree UCC {Ane Samanaat EGJOTM Autorat Representa of SHERROD, CARLTON BOTM swear Tarde Man Land ee ropa eo Wa Amine [3885 North Late 17 3 Was Lange) ‘nt Nos Dera on height aoa Paps — nr Bi of Hama ih (UN Declan ote Rp nt Pep) sete DBS pot (Uomo aussie UNCITRAL, ‘epaoeca eset UN ECOSOC gies Bo esCESCRPaesCESCHes Une Nate Charter uae nore it ad, redrata Prdanetan 7508 ne pitied 77 URID hnengea is pL Ma Pop 208 id fue ace poe 2013011 dn R82 Jane 984 Pale Lan 751 —— ee — eA Se. 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