Cbse Sample Papers Solved Class 9 Sa1 Social Science 10

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You are on page 1of 3 Sample Question Paper 10 Unsolved (Questions) Social Science A Highly Simulated Practice Question Paper for CBSE Class IX Term I Examination (SA I) Time : 3 hrs Max, Marks : 90 General Instructions 1. The question paper has 30 questions in all. All questions are compulsory. 2. Question numbers 1 to 8 are Very Short Answer (VSA) Type Questions, Each question carries 1 Mark. 8. Question numbers 9 to 20 are 3 Marks Short Answers Type Questions. 4. Question numbers 21 to 22 are map questions of 3 Marks each, 5. Question numbers 28 to 30 are 5 Marks Long Answer Type Questions. |. In which battle was Napoleon finally defeated? ._ Is the Constitution of India flexible or rigid? . How was the French society divided in the 18th century? |. What is seasonal unemployment? YPene . Namea country where the vote of an indigenous citizen has more value than that of the migrants from other countries. = }. What is the location of the Purvachal mountain range in India. |. Which is the most labour absorbing sector of the economy? Which is the longest river of the Peninsular plateau? yen ). Who was Napoleon Bonaparte? What reforms did he introduce in France? 10. Describe the views of liberals about the transformation of society in the eighteenth century. Or State any three effects of the First World War over Europe. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17, 18. 19. 20. 21. | Sample du@Ao GBSsdn “The Eighteenth century France witnessed the emergence of the middle class" — Who were they and what were their ideas? Write a short note on the central highlands. Describe the divisions of the Himalayas that have been demarcated by the river valleys. What is meant by Indian Standard Time? Why do we need a standard meridian for India? Explain. ‘What is UNO? Name the members of UNO who enjoy veto power. Elaborate ‘indirect democracy’. Give names of any four countries where it exists. ‘What is the significance of ‘we the people of India’ and ‘secular’ in the Preamble of Indian Constitution? What are the different ways of increasing production on the same piece of land? Use examples to explain. ‘We know that healthy people are an asset to our economy. To grow as a healthy citizen, what steps should you take from school going age? What are the main economic activities which are Classified into three main sectors? Name each sector with suitable examples. (a) Two features (1) and (2) are marked on the given political map of India. Identify these features with the help of information given below and write their names 1. The largest salt water lake in India. 2. The northern part of the Western coast. (b) Mark and label the following on the same map ‘A. Karakoram range B. Zanskar range 22. 2B. 24, 25. 27. 28. 29, 30. Learn QB Sicltce ciass ixth (Term 1) | Locate and label the following on the outline map of France. (A) Areas not affected by great fear. (B) Famous as the capital of the kingdom of Burgundy and declined after French Revolution (© The city rose up against National convention’ and it, was assaulted by the Revolutionary Armies. Hint for the answer: (a) Normandy (b) Dijon (©) Lyons a) ° 40) What steps were taken by Robespierre’s government especially to bring about equality in French society? What is physical capital? Explain its two types with the help of suitable examples. What were the main changes brought about by the Bolsheviks immediately after the October Revolution? Mention any five. Or Explain why Nazi propaganda was effective in creating hatred for jews. Why the people are not happy with the ruling party in Zimbabwe? Do the rulers of, Zimbabwe Act in an undemocratic manner? ‘Lakes are of great value to human beings’. Justify the statement by stating examples with reference to your city or state. ‘Theory of plate tectonics’ plays an important role in explaining geological formations of a certain area. What do you understand by this statement? Justify your answer. Assess the contribution made by the Constituent Assembly to form the Indian Constitution. ‘Suggest some ways that India can maximum utilise its vast human resource.

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