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package Parse::Command::alu2gpm;

=head1 NAME
use strict;
use warnings;
use Common::ALU::Parse::2G;
use Common::CSV;
use Common::Lock;
use Common::XML;
use Parallel::ForkManager;
use File::Path qw(make_path);
use Parse -command;
sub abstract {
return "parse t18,t19,t31,t110 binary performance management files from
Alcatel-Lucent OMC-R into csv files";
sub usage_desc {
return "%c alu2gpm %o [ filename(s) ]";
sub opt_spec {
my @one_of = (
["t5", "Parse pmtype PMRES-05 (TRX TS)"],
["t18", "Parse pmtype PMRES-18 (A-Channel)"],
["t19", "Parse pmtype PMRES-19 (SMS)"],
["t31", "Parse pmtype PMRES-31 (Radio Measurements)"],
["t110", "Parse pmtype PMRES110 (Overview Measurements)"],
my $np = 4;
return (
[ "outdir|d=s", "directory to store parsed csv file(s) in", { default =>
"../csvload" }],
[ "templatedir|t=s",
"directory containing xml templates for decoding
pm file", { default => "../templates" }],
[ "pmtype|p=s", "type of binary pm file being parsed", { required => 1,
hidden => 1, one_of => \@one_of}],
[ "omc|o=s",
"OMC-R name", { required => 1 }],
[ "delete|D", "Delete file(s) after parsing"],
[ "parallel|P=s",
"number of files to process in parallel (default
= $np) ", { default => $np}],
sub validate_args {
my ($self, $opt, $args) = @_;
$self->usage_error("At least one file name is required") unless @$args;
for (@$args) {
die "The file $_ does not exist!\n" unless -e $_;
make_path($opt->{outdir}, { verbose => 1 });
sub execute {

my ($self, $opt, $args) = @_;

my $lock = '.'.$opt->{omc}.$opt->{pmtype};
Common::Lock::get_lock($lock) or Common::Lock::bail($lock);
my $pmf = Parallel::ForkManager->new($opt->{parallel});
for my $pmfile (@$args) {
$pmf->start and next; # do the fork
my $info = Common::ALU::Parse::2G::alu_pm_info($pmfile);
my $layout_file = $opt->{templatedir}.'/layout.'.lc($opt->{pmtyp
unless ((-f $layout_file) && (-s $layout_file)) {
print "The file $pmfile with version $info->{VERSION} ca
nnot be decoded because no layout file could be found (looking for $layout_file)
my $layout = Common::XML::read_xml($layout_file);
my ($pm,$counters) = Common::ALU::Parse::2G::decode_binary($pmfi
warn "Warning: No data was retrieved after parsing $pmfile. Did
you select the correct pmtype? (current choice = $opt->{pmtype})\n"
unless (
scalar(keys %$counters) > 0);
my $success = Common::CSV::to_csv($pm,$counters,$info,$opt->{omc
if ($success && $opt->{delete}) {
print "Deleting: $pmfile (-D command line option was pro
$pmf->finish; # do the exit in the child process

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