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Relevance of Educational Communication in NSTP

In the 1977 definition of educational communication, AECT defines it as a practice of

teaching in an effective manner by using the different resources in the benefit of the facilitator. In
addition the practice of EdCom focuses on the interrelationship of formal and non-formal
learning. This very nature of EdCom becomes an advantage in facilitating different kinds of
program like the NSTP.
As discussed above the National Service Training Program has three program
components; The Reserve Officer Training Corps (ROTC), Literacy Training Service (LTS), and
Civil Welfare Training Service (CWTS). Within these three programs, the LTS and CWTS are
the ones that most benefits from the practice of EdCom. These programs require the students to
facilitate learning in the different communities assigned to them. Unknowingly, the students are
using the practice of EdCom since these programs focuses on non-formal education.
Characteristics of Educational Communication in NSTP
Emphasis on Non-Formal Education -- In the Programs of NSTP, the characteristic of
EdCom that is mostly viewed is the emphasis on non-formal education. Since LTS and CWTS
students are not certified instructors,
they can only give the basics of the things they are teaching. However, in the whole process of
the programs, other characteristics of EdCom are used.
Process and Systems Thinking the programs of NSTP does not immediately

Process and Systems Thinking

Well planned systematic
Best combination of human and non human resources
Science based
Various functions

Non formal education

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