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Pitrpaksa or Mahalaya Pakhsa

The 15 days of the dark fortnight are called Pitrpaksa or Mahalaya Pakhsa These days are considered to be important for performing the rites for the departed ancestors (Pitras).
Hindus observe this with great reverence for the departed souls, and observe a fast for all the days in pitru paksha and do not offer
meat or eat meat during this time. Offerings of water mixed with milk, till, jou, dhaan, flowers and Tulsi leaves is offered in the
names of the ancestors this is called tarpaan. Part of the food-offering is also given to the cows and the crows. Brahmins are fed and
given dakshina, for it is believed that whatever is given to the Brahmins also reaches the departed souls. Kheer, milk is especially
prepared and offered to the pitris on this occasion. Hindu familys, generally observe some austerities during this period, like not
shaving the hair and beard, praying to lord Vishnu, meditation, chanting, and mantra repetition for the benefit of our ancestors and
family happiness during this time of the year. Your daily prayer routine should not be stopped. Pinda Daan is done at this time to
help all souls to attain moksha (salvation) with the blessings of God. It is only a misconception that one should not pray during pitru
Where in the scriptures can pitru paksha be found?
In Mahabharata Karna, the great hero was killed in battle and went to heaven there he had all material wealth but no food. Karan
then realized that he had donated plenty of wealth but no food! He prayed to Lord Yama raj (the god of the death), and through
his grace, he returned to the earth during this Mahalayapaksa (pitru paksha), he offered Tarpaan to the Rishis (saints), Devas (gods)
and his ancestors and donated plenty of food on returning back to heaven after the 15 days of pitru paksha he had gained the good
deed paying respect to his ancestors, give food to the hungry and serving the poor thus in heaven he gained all the merits of his
good work .
Scriptures tell us that our ancestors include not only members of our own family lineage, but also those who have
contributed to our welfare in this or previous lives. They include gurus, teachers, mentors, role models, friends, and those who
have walked the spiritual path before us .Throughout this time, we recognise with gratitude the countless souls who have been the
harbingers of grace, wisdom, protection, and love in our lives. In this heightened state of remembrance, we offer back the fullness
of our love and blessings to these benefactors as a powerful gesture of support for their souls continued evolution. Hindu religion
even remembers those who die in wars and other natural calamities, even the unseen and unheard of insects and other creatures
and upholds the highest celestial standards of dharma.
What happens during pitru paksha
During this period called Pitrupaksha, the lord of death,Yamaraja enables all who shed their mortal frames (bodies) to come back
to earth and receive offerings from their descendants for the 15 days.(please note the time on earth and the time in heaven is different).
The Pitruloka being vacant means that during this period all the departed ancestors of the lineage descend and come close
to their descendents to bless them.
The subtle bodies of the departed ancestors arriving during the Pitrupaksha,
In a life of a hindu we have 5 Debts to pay
1.Debt to the Rishis
2. Debt to the devas
3. Debt to the Pitras
4. Debt to all the creatures in the world
5. Debt to human beings
It is ordained that one must pay off these debts with utmost humility and respect.
The 9th day is allocated to the departed elders in the family
The 13th day is allocated to young children that you lost. Invite 3,5, 7 Children and offer them pawa and milk.
The 14th Day is alloyed for all those that died unnaturally or in accidents.
The last day of the fortnight,i.e. on the Amavasya oblations are offered to all those dead ancestors whose tithi of death is not known.
In Brahma Purana the significance of this ceremony is described.
Please note that: One should not offer meat, Alcohol, Cigarettes etc, for the Pitras as this prayer is done for the uplifment of the
soul our ancestors.
The purpose of this note is to inlighten you on pitru paksha because lots of the true meaning of hindusim has been lost, if you
understand what you is doing the it will be full of meaning.

Compiled By Pandit Sachin Singh

082 456 5143



Compiled By
Pandit Sachin Singh
082 456 5143

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