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Attn: CONST 003

Answer the following 3 activities in separate yellow pad papers.

Submission: MWF Class, Wednesday, September 14
TTH Class, September, August 15
FP Activity #1
NAME: __________________________________
SECTION: ________________________________
Make a comparative illustration of the differences and similarities of the three
branches of government showing the following:
1. Meaning of each power
2. Power vested upon
3. Composition
4. How they are elected
5. Qualifications
6. Term of office
7. Salaries
8. Prohibitions
9. Privileges
FP Activity #2
NAME: __________________________________
SECTION: ________________________________
Make a comparative illustration of the differences and similarities of the three
branches of government showing the following:
1. Meaning of each power
2. Power vested upon
3. Composition
4. How they are elected
5. Qualifications
6. Term of office
7. Salaries
8. Prohibitions
9. Privileges
FP Activity #3
NAME: __________________________________
SECTION: ________________________________
Make a comparative illustration of the differences and similarities of the three
branches of government showing the following:
1. Meaning of each power
2. Power vested upon
3. Composition
4. How they are elected
5. Qualifications
6. Term of office
7. Salaries
8. Prohibitions
9. Privileges

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