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ALAIN: Hay alguien que se interese por algo que no sea l mismo?

A todos nos gustara creer que es posible mejorar las cosas.

Ser los arquitectos de un mundo mejor sin pensar en nuestro propio beneficio.
Pero existe eso?
Hay hombres que se dejan llevar, es su manera, otros se niegan a aceptar el paso
del tiempo, viven al da
Hay alguna diferencia?
Los hombres van avanzando como pueden hasta que estn muertos
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Curtis: You ever been to the tail section? Do you have any idea what went on bac
k there? When we boarded? It was chaos. Yeah, we didn't freeze to death, but we
didn't have time to be thankful. Wilford's soldiers came and they took everythin
g. A thousand people in an iron box. No food, no water... After a month, we ate
the weak... You know what I hate about myself? I know what people taste like. I
know that babies taste best... There was a woman. She was hiding with her baby.
And some men with knives came. They killed her and they took her baby. And then
an old man-no relation, just an old man-stepped forward and he said, "Give me th
e knife." And everyone thought he'd kill the baby himself. But he took the knife
and he cut off his arm. And he said, "Eat this, if you're so hungry. Eat this,
just leave the baby." I had never seen anything like that. And the men put down
their knives... You've probably guessed who that old man was. That baby was Edga
r. And I was the man with the knife. I killed Edgar's mother... And then one by
one, other people in the tail section started cutting off arms and legs and offe
ring them. It was like a miracle. And I wanted to. I tried, it's... A month late
r, Wilford's soldiers brought those protein blocks. We've been eatin' that shit
ever since. 18 years I've hated Wilford. 18 years I've waited for this moment. A
nd now I'm here... Open the gate. Please.
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------TOMS. Igualmente con permiso de vuestro padre, os invito a que asistis uno de estos
das a la diseccin de una mujer. Es un espectculo muy entretenido y en el que tengo
que actuar.

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