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1s anos

Dear Tony,
Im really sorry my friend, I know that I havent written a letter to you for a long time,
I know that its not a friendly attitude but I have just gotten back from a week holiday in
Fortaleza. It was a busy period of time, so I didnt have much time to do the usual things.
My routine was totally different from the one I have here in my city. There, we stayed at one
of the best hotels there. It is Hilton hotel, and it is more comfortable than a lot of hotels in
my city. Its incredible how the people are hospitable, reliable, and know how to treat anyone
who goes there. Well, if we compare the treatment that we have here in Belm its almost
unbelievable how the workers are prepared to deal with visitors, there. By the way, Yesterday, I
went to a great restaurant, but very simple and tried the food. It was wonderful. I ate a tasty cod, but my friends
had crabs, snails, and lobster. The apple juice
was the best I have tried in my life...It is an ideal place for shopping souvenirs. We must say
that my family will love it forever.

Moreover, Fortaleza is a fantastic place. Its one of the most beautiful places of Brazil. Its
very modern and exciting, but relaxing and cultural at the same time. It could be said that it
s a weird place because you can see typical shows almost every day and night, and the
respect that they have when its related to their local artists. Its something that we hardly
see in Belm. Our local artists have to make up the opportunities to show their talent on the
other hand its said that Belm is a factory of talented people. I could mention a lot of
famous peoples names, but Im going to cite jus some of them like Leila Pinheiro, Joelma, Dira
Paes, Chimbinha who is considered one of the best guitar players for many famous musicians,
and not to forget our Lyoto Machida. He is not an artist, but one of the most competent and
elusive fighters of the UFC (Ultimate Fight Championship). Thats

In Fortaleza, there are many things to do, too. I spent most of my time shopping, taking sun bath, and
visiting the main sights, like Cumbuco and Morro Branco the first is one of the most
fascinating beaches I have ever seen in my whole life, the later is unforgettable. Its one of
the most beautiful sightseeing of the world. Besides, it is the place where I met my present
girlfriend, and I cant complain about it! Unfortunately, I had a problem on the last day. I lost
my wallet while I was shopping. As you can imagine I was really unhappy. It was the worst
thing about my trip, but when I went to the police station to report it, a friendly and humble
person had already handed it in. What a relief! Well, thats all my news.
Hope you are ok. See you soon.
Vitor Bullock.
Nas questes de 1 a 10, assinale a alternativa correta de acordo com o texto
1) Acredita-se que Belm uma fbrica de:
a) lutadores
b) compositores
c) escritores

d) aberraes
e) talentos
2) Os artistas locais, em Belm, tm que:
a) pagar para fazer shows
b) criar oportunidades
c) ir para os grandes centros
d) provar que so talentosos
e) alugar clubes para trabalhar

3)O autor do texto, considerada Morro Branco:

a) desprezvel
b) inesquecvel
c) horrvel
d) entediante
e) fascinante
4) Vitor teve um perodo de tempo:
c) fenomenal
d) ocupado
e) valorizado
5) Vitor no pode___ de Morro Branco.
a) lembrar
b) esquecer
c) voltar
d) fugir
6) Fortaleza o local ideal para:
a) vender objetos preciosos
b) negociar apartamentos
c) comprar lembranas
d) financiar casas
e) alugar bares
7) Os artistas locais, em Belm, no so:
a) desprezados
b) esquecidos
c) respeitados
d) lembrados
e) desrespeitados
8) De acordo com o texto,Vitor acha Fortaleza:
a) montona
b) o pior lugar do Brasil
c) comum
d) bem organizada
e) excitante
9) Vitor perdeu a carteira, enquanto estava:
a) danando
b) vendendo souvenires
c) namorando
d) caminhando na praia
e) fazendo compras

10) Ontem, os amigos de Vitor comeram:

a) caranguejo
b) pirarucu
c) camaro
d) bacalhau
e) feijoada

2s anos
The Next Big One

Yet at the moment, earthquake prediction remains a matter of myth, of fabulations in which birds and snakes and
fish and bunny rabbits somehow sniff out the coming calamity. What scientists can do right now is make good
maps of fault zones and figure out which ones are probably due for a rupture. And they can make forecasts. A
forecast might say that, over a certain number of years, theres a certain likelihood of a certain magnitude
earthquake in a given spot.
Turning forecasts into predictions a magnitude 7 earthquake is expected here three days from now may be
impossible, but scientists are doing everything they can to solve the mysteries of earthquakes. They break rocks
in laboratories, studying how stone behaves under stress. They make maps of precarious, balanced rocks to see
where the ground has shaken in the past and how hard. They dig trenches across faults, searching for the active
trace. They have wired up fault zones with so many sensors its as though the Earth is a patient in intensive care.
National Geographic, april 2006, p.127.
Assinale a alternativa correta de acordo com o texto.
1) O assunto principal do texto :
(A) terremotos.
(B) furaces.
(C) maremotos.
(D) aquecimento global.
(E) seca.
2) Na busca de solues a Terra comparada a:
(A) um paciente terminal.
(B) um tema de mitologia.
(C) um paciente na UTI.
(D) um objeto de especulao de magos e videntes.
(E) um planeta com problemas insolveis.
3) Segundo o texto, forecast e prediction:
(A) so a mesma coisa.
(B) um no tem nada a ver com o outro.
(C) forecast mais preciso que prediction.
(D) prediction mais preciso que forecast.
(E) no passam de fabulaes.
4) Dentre as atividades descritas qual a que os cientistas no desenvolvem:
(A) mapeamento das zonas de falhas.
(B) estudo das rochas submetidas presso.
(C) observao do comportamento de animais como pssaros,cobras e coelhos.
(D) abertura de trincheiras no meio das falhas tectnicas.
(E) fratura de pedras em laboratrio.
5) Indique um sinnimo para As though:
(A) as far
(B) as yet
(C) as well
(D) as much
(E) as if

6) Indique o verbo irregular:

(A) behave
(B) make
(C) remain
(D) sniff
(E) study

7) D a traduo de dig:
(A) mergulhar
(B) soar
(C) molhar
(D) cavar
(E) dizer
8) D a traduo de likelihood.
(A) probabilidade
(B) diferena
(C) capacidade de agradar
(D) sustentabilidade
(E) impossibilidade
9) Coloque na forma interrogativa: they have wired up fault zones.
(A) Did they wire up fault zones?
(B) Have wired up they fault zones?
(C) Do they wire up fault zones?
(D) Did they have wired up fault zones?
(E) Have they wired up fault zones?
10)D a traduo de somehow:
(A) em algum lugar
(B) de algum modo
(C) sempre
(D) de modo nenhum
(E) de forma diferente

5 E
9 E
10 B

3s anos

Players With Pride

NEWS SCOOP: March 30, 2007 Vol. #12 Iss. #22
Spanish Translation

It is game day in a poor neighborhood in Nairobi, Kenya. Hundreds of kids gather at a school field to play soccer.
Their equipment would surprise most U.S. soccer players. The kids bring rakes, wheelbarrows and trash bags.
Before the game, the players will spend five hours clearing trash. They will sort items for recycling. This is the
only way to earn a spot on a soccer team. In one year, the kids will clear more than 250 tons of garbage from
their community.
Hope in a Harsh Place
The children live in Kibera (ky-bee-rah), a slum, or very poor neighborhood. Nearly 1 million people live in a
small area. Everyone is poor, and many have health problems. But a group started by a U.S. Marine captain is
giving Kibera's people a shot at a better future.
Rye Barcott started Carolina for Kibera (CFK) in 2001, when he was a college student in North Carolina. His goal
is to help people in the area build richer lives. The kids' cleanup days are only one way of doing this. "CFK is
more than just soccer," Barcott told TFK.
The group helps run a free health clinic in Kibera. CFK also has a program for girls. It gives them a place to learn
and to talk about important ideas. Girls in Kibera are rarely encouraged to get an education.
All of the CFK programs get Kiberans involved. They make important decisions about their community. Barcott
hopes kids will learn to take on Kibera's tough problems--and win.
Nas questes de 1 a 10, assinale a alternativa correta de acordo com o texto
1) Na Kiberia,as garotas,:
a) no so estimuladas a estudar
b) estudam muito pouco
c) so mais estudiosas que os homens
d) raramente so encorajadas a estudar
e) no tm interesse em estudar
2) O CFK:
a) no tem um programa voltado para as mulheres
b) s trabalha com os homens
c) no trabalha com as mulheres,muito menos com os homens
d) somente trabalha para as mulheres
e) tambm tem um programa para garotas
3) Os garotos,para jogar futebol,levam:
a) bola
b) chuteiras
c) p
d) carrinho de mo
e) bolas, chuteira e luvas
4) A vizinhana de Nairbi:
a) no pobre
b) rica
c) pobre
d) no rica
e) de classe mdia alta
5) A nica forma de ganhar uma posio no time de futebol :
a) sendo amigo do treinador
b) patrocinando o prprio time
c) separando itens para reciclagem
d) consumindo os produtos do clube
e) jogando muito futebol
6) O grupo do capito da marinha:
a) ainda est atrelado ao passado
b) est dando um chute para um futuro melhor
c) s pensa no presente

d) pensa no passado, presente e no futuro

e) esta dando uma cabeada no passado
7) Barcott espera que os garotos aprendam a
a) assumir os problemas da Kibria
b) lutar pelos problemas da Kibria
c) defender os problemas da Kibria
d) resgatar os problemas da Kibria
e) fugir dos problemas da Kibria
8) Antes do jogo,os jogadores,
a) fazem o aquecimento
b) conversam com o treinador
c) roam o lixo
d) estudam a melhor ttica para vencer o adversrio
e) jogam todo o lixo que est ao redor do campo fora
9) O objetivo de Rye Barcott :
a) ajudar as pessoas a construir vidas mais ricas
b) prejudicar a vida das pessoas
c) manter as pessoas em um estado de misria
d) fortalecer o seu prprio imprio
e) ficar rico atravs das necessidades das pessoas
10) em apenas um ano, os garotos:
a) jogaro mais de 100 vezes
b) faro mais de 300 trabalhos
c) estudaro mais de 50 matrias
d) limparo mais de 250 toneladas de lixo
e) poluiro mais de 200 campos de futebol

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