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83d ConereEss, [HO. OF REPS.] Ex. Dos, Ast Session. No. 36, SALT. LETTER FROM THE SECRETARY OF THE TREASURY, TRANSMITTING Statistics of Salt. "Jasvany 30, 1854.—Referred to the Committeo of Ways and Means. Treasury DeparTMENT, January 26, 1854. Sir: On the 14th of December last, the House adopted the following resolution : “ Resolved, That the Secretary of the Treasury be requested to fur- nish this House with a statement of the number of establishments, and where located in the United States, engaged in the manufacture ot salt ; of the probable amount of capital invested in the said manufacture in each State; the average quantity annually manufactured at said estab- lishments; and a table of prices for which the said article has sold under the present rate of duties thereon ; and also to inform the House of the annual amount of revenue received from the importation of {or- eign salt into the United States.” In reply to this resolution, I have the honor to submit the following documents : A. A table from the Superintendent of the Census, entitled “ Statis- tics of the salt manufactured in the United States for the year ending 1st of June, 1850,” purporting to embrace all the salt manufactories in the country, whose annual product is five hundred dollars or upwards in value. B. A table from the Register of the Treasury, entitled «A statement exhibiting the quantity and value of salt imported annually from 1847 to 1853, and also the duties which accrued thereon during the same period.” C. A table showing the value per bushel, or per barrel, of the salt 2 H. Doc. 36. manufactured in different counties of different States, according to the statement received from the Superintendent of the Census. I have the honor to be, very respectfully, your obedient servant, JAMES GUTHRIE, Secretary of the Treasury. Hon. Liyn Boyp, Speaker of the House of Representatives. A.—Statistics of the salt manufacture in the United States for the year ending June 1, 1850. : lg i; g | BE Average No.of | Average yearly Produet. Names of counties. = | Capital in| = hands. wages paid. 3 vested. s | = 3 3 5 5 Zig | : = | Quantity produced 3 | 2 jum |r M. Be | yer annum, Value. Maine. | | Cumberland. 2 $2,100 | $4,225 $5,700 Portland 1 1,000 3,000 | 4,000 Total... 3| 3,100 | 7,225 | | eee 1,080 |... 2... 9,700 | | Barnstable. 6 16,900 |......---- 13 |. | 6,600 Bristol, (refining, 1 1,500 1,000 2 2,250 Suffolk, do 2 22,000, 59, 000 13 85, 000 9 40,400 60,000| 98] 7 8,088 | 1,092 93, 850 | | Hartford ... 1| 4,000! 4,000 1) 1 360/144) 0, 000 bush, 5, 600 i | i Onondaga 192} 819,950 631, 955 873 |... 299, 376, | 998, 315 Pennsyleania, i | Alleghany 10} 49, 610 | 9,273 7}. 18, 144 55, 720 bbls. 53, 269 Armstrong . 12 40,000 | 17,976 Bt 15, 624 050 bbls. 33, 950 Clarion. 1 1,000 1, 280 4. 960 |, 500 bush, 3,000 ‘H “9§ *90q A—Continued. 5 - | Average No. of g Average yearly Product. Names of counties. | Capital in- ins wages paid & vested, \ 3 5 2 Quantity produced a M | F M. F. perannu. | Value. Pennsyloania—Continued. Jefferson --- 1 $2, 000 $150 2}. $600 1,700 bush. $1,000 ‘Westmoreland .. 23 | 75, 750 28,510 8 |. 19, 692 515, 900 bush. 115, 577 Total...2eeeee ee 47| 168,360] 57,189} 219 |... 55,020 |... 90,770 bbls. | 206,796 519, 100 bush. Virginia, 1 10,000} 1,400 9 1,440 |........ 10, 000 bush. 6,700 33| 889,800 | 194,753 | 1,096 | 57 | 292,104 | $6,912 3,024,890 bush. | 604,766 1 66, 400 12,750 | 60 5 12, 000 240 180, 000 bush. 36, 000 ‘Washington 5 303, 700 25, 720 65 5 11,592 612 265, 000 bush. 53, 000, Total 40 | 1,269,900 | 234,623 | 1,230] 67 317, 136 | 7,764 3, 479, 890 bush. 700, 466 Florida, : Monroe 1 19, 000 6} 2 1,440 6,000 Smith. 1 1,000} 1,000 1,440 |. 6,000 bush. 4,500 Vanzant.. 1 2,475, 750, 840 2, 000 bush. 1,400 Total .. 2 3,475 1,750 15 | 1 2,280 72 8, 000 bush. 5,900 ‘98 00 ‘H Ohio. 88,800 | 12,894 19, 968 206, 100 br 3,600 | 1,200 : 1,020 15, 000 bush. 550 320 : 480 850 bbls. 3,500 | 928 1, 630 10,50 bush. 4,200) 1,880 : 1,440 20, 800 bush. 75,100 | 13,961 : 11,208 158, 100 bush. | 13,000 | 4,450 6,240 139, 000 bush, 33,745 | 188,750 | _ 96,633 : 42, 036 550,350 bush. | 132,203 8,000 750 20) 9 2,280 | 432 12, 000 bush. 6,000 112,650 | 16, 100 234, 500 bu 48, 625 800 200 5 a= 3, 200 121, 450 | 17, 050 53 246,500 bush, | 57,825 Iinois. | Gallatin ... eaeeeeaees 2,500 2,000 20, 000 | 6,000 | = S 8 wo » 6 H. Doc. 36. B. Statement exhibiting the quantity and value of salt imported annually from 1847 to 1853, and also the duties which accrued thereon during the same period. Salt imported. Foreign cost. | Average per | Gross duties. Years ending— bushel, ets. | $893, 502 12.35 | $535,280 20 | June 30, 1847. 1848 1, 042, 502 11.62 | 208,500 40 11, 622,163 | 1,438,931 12.38} 287,796 20 11,224,185 | 1,237, 186 | 11.02] 247,437 20 8,631,176 | 1,047,890 12.07} 209,578 00 10,116,080 | 1, 112, 137 10.99} 222,427 40 -| 10,066,981 | 1,059, 432 10.52} 211,886 40 | 11.53 | "1, 922, 905 80 Sea ee 67, 915, 697 7, 831, 6: | Nors.—Unier the tariff of 1842, salt paid a duty of 20 cents per bushel. ‘The importations during the year 1847 were as follows: Bushels. Value. Duties. From July 1, to December 1, 1846 -.. ~ 1,993, 112 $210, 213 $398, 622 40 From December 1, 1846, to June 30, 1847 = 5, 242, 396 683, 289 136, 657 80 5 893, 502 As above F. BIGGER, Register. Treasury Department, Register's Office, Dec. 22, 1853. H. Doc. 36. 7 Cc. Statement of the value of the salt per bushel, or per barrel, manufactured in different counties of different States, according to the data supplied in the table received from the Superintendent of the Census. State. County. Price. Connecticut . .. Hartford . . -| $0 14 per bushel. Pennsylvania . Clarion. a --do. Jefferson . - Westmoreland - Alleghany .. 5 95 per barrel. Armstrong . : Virginia ........... Braxton . 67 per bushel. Kanawha. 20... .do. Smythe 20. 5 Washington Ohio neat seer Athens do. Columbiana. . do. Guernsey . do. Meigs .. a do. Morgan . --.-do. | Muskingum . - 24... .do. | Franklin . . 1 06 per barrel. Kentucky ......... | Barren. . 50 per bushel. Clay .- Illinois -.......-.-- Gallatin . - -do. Smith. . .-do. Vanzant - -do. The table does not supply the data for ascertaining the value per bushel, or per barrel. of the salt manufactured in the States of Maine, Massachusetts, New York, and Florida.

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