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Thingyan Water Festival

Thihgyan Water Festival fall in the mid of April every year. There
are five days in the Water Festival. They are Thingyan Eve, Thingyan
Start, The middle of Thingyan, The last day of Thingyan and the
following day is Myanmar New Year. During Water Festival , old or
young people are being happy in these days. Mandalay Moat is very
famous for its auspicious street and walls. On either side of the moat
,there are a lots of water throwing pandals.They throw or pour water
each other with hose from the stages and bucket or cup
happily.Famous singers come to pandals and sing Thingyan songs and
merit makers dance on the road by pandals. Crowed people are found
at every road round the moat.
The spirit of Water Festival is to purify the sins and demerit that
we have done in past. By throwing water each other, we can cleanse
our dirty event the we faced in past and feel like welcoming to coming
new year with fresh mind.
In these days, elderly people go to monasteries to take Sabbath in
order to get meritorious deeds. Meditation centers are opened ten days
, 20 days even one month long as well. Merit makers who want to get
good deeds go to those monasteries to help Sabbath keepers that they
needs and clean the compound of monastery and pagodas.After taking
meditation section with abbot or Sayadaw , Sabbath keeper take a rest
at their related places in rest house. And merit maker massage them
and help them in taking their bath.
Thagyar Min, the king of celessial beings, comes down to earth to
have a check what people are doing.

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